Stay With Me

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So sorry for the wait! My parents took my laptop away, so I couldn't write until I got it back for the weekend. I've worked on this extremely hard, and I've made this as perfect as I could. Honestly, I think this is my best chapter. My favourite one too!

This story's up to 974 reads right now! Thank you all so much for your love, support and patience. I would love it so much if we could get it to 1000! Please tell me any ideas you have for the next chapter through the comments or Tumblr!

Warning: Major Tomax feels ahead! Enjoy! Comment/Vote!


The pristine white walls of the hospital felt constricting as I walked down the hallway. The smell of antiseptic invaded my nose, making me feel all the more trapped. It had been a month since I came here, but the entire place felt completely foreign and new to me.

With a hood over my head, I quickly made my way to my destination. I stood in front of the door, a shaky hand on the knob. Taking one last deep breath, I twisted it and stepped inside.

The room was cold and empty, except for the man on the bed. He was connected to all types of machines that I didn't know the names to, measuring his heartbeat, blood pressure and brain waves, producing a beep every few seconds. Beside the bed was the IV drip, the clear liquid travelling into his bloodstream drop by drop.

I took a seat next to the bed, taking off my hood. I looked at him on the bed, all the pain and guilt rushing back as his face came into my vision. He was in a coma, he couldn't hear me, but I had to talk to him. Even if nothing I said was getting into his head, I just had to say something.

I forced a smile on my face. "Hey, Max, sorry I haven't been around... I couldn't visit because... you know why. It's been a month since the accident, and you're still in a coma. I thought you would have been up by now... guess I was wrong. The boys and I are trying to cope. It's weird without you around, but I know you'll wake up soon and join us..."

Tears welled up at the corner of my eyes. My hands clenched into fists around the bed sheets, knuckles turning white. "Who the fuck am I kidding? We're not coping, Max, we miss you like hell! We can't eat; we can't sleep, not when you're in a fucking coma! The rest of the boys are coming to grasp the fact that you might never wake up, or that you might even..." I gulped, knowing that I could never say that word. "But not me, I know you're gonna wake up, that you're gonna come back.

"Why won't you wake up Max? Why? It's been a whole month, you've slept enough. Just wake up; it's so easy. Just open your eyes and you'll be back here with us.. with me." I squeezed my eyes shut, forcing the tears down my cheeks.

"You have no idea how hard it's been without you. Every time I get back to my flat, it just feels so empty. I lie in bed every night, knowing that you're not going to be next to me. I miss you so much it hurts, even though it's been only a month.

"You know they said that you might not make it past two months if you stay in the coma? It's already been one, don't make it two. I don't what I'll do if you go. I can't lose you Max, you mean everything to me. Don't leave me... please." My voice trembled as I spoke.

I loosened my grip on the sheets, my hands lying on top of his cold lifeless hand. "Max, tomorrow's our five month anniversary. It's been five whole months since you confessed to me, and a week later, it'll be five months since we had our first time. Five months doesn't seem like much, but it does to me. I thought that I could spend it with you, but I guess that's not gonna happen..."

My vision started blurring up with tears. "I'm so sorry Max. You're in this state because of me, just because I couldn't say three simple words. I caused this, and I'm sorry. You know why I have trouble saying it. I know you're never gonna do that to me, I realise that now, but it might be too late. You might never hear it before you go.

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