Three Words

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Finally, chapter 10! 666 reads, 34 votes and 32 comments! Thank you for all the support! So this is kinda short, because it's a some-what 2 part chapter, and if I squeezed everything into one chapter, it would be freaking long. There's a cliffhanger that will make you want to kill me, but please don't!

Comment/vote! Go over to the Tumblr where I posted this and tell me how you felt about this chapter! I'm back in school again, so I might not update as often, so please bear with me!



Today was the day. The day that all of us were going to tell the management what was happening. We weren't looking forward to it one bit; we wouldn't want to if we could, but we decided that they would figure it out even if we didn't tell them, so we might as well tell the truth. We had no idea what they were going to think or do, so you could bet that we were damn nervous, but we still had to anyway.

Heading up to the office, I could feel my hands getting sweaty. "I have a bad feeling about this..."

Beside me, Jay said, "Me too, but we can't back out now."

Max sighed, "You know, telling the truth is really a pain in the ass."

"Let's just get this over and done with," Siva said, running his hand through his hair.

Behind us, Nathan tried calming us down. "Look, it's gonna be okay. I've got your back a hundred per cent. Who cares what they think!"

"Thanks for the support Nath, but it's not helping." I told him as the five of us entered the office. We had called earlier, saying that there was something important that we need to discuss, so of course they gathered everyone involved, which was why we greeted by many faces in the meeting room.

"So, what is this important matter that you boys have to tell us?"

We glanced at each other, trying to avoid being the one to speak first. Eventually, Siva took on the role. "Umm... so here's the truth. For the past three months, the four of us," he gestured to me, Max and Jay. "Have been dating."

"Dating? Dating who?"

Siva awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck. "... Each other."

The reaction was instant. Eyes went wide, jaws dropped; gasps and whispers filled the room.

Max helped out explaining. "Tom and I've been dating, and so have Seev and Jay. We don't want to hide anymore, that's why we're here to tell you all the truth."

"Is this a joke? Are you boys pulling a prank on us?"

"No, why would you think that?" Jay exclaimed. "We're gay, so what?"

"Are you really sure?"

I stood out, telling them, "Of course we are! Why would we lie about this?!"

"No, it's just... We don't think you're serious about this. Maybe you're experimenting, or maybe you're not really sure about your true self. But I don't think this something we should inform the news about."

"Are you even serious about each other? It's only been three months, who knows if you break up in the future? So why don't we just let this blow over, let you guys have your fun with each other, and when it's all over, everything can go back to normal."

"That's just crap!' Jay shouted. "We are serious about this! None of this is just for fun! How can you treat it like it's nothing?!"

"Okay, so maybe you and Siva will last, but for Tom and Max, it's an entirely different case."

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