Sweet Treat In The Heat

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Listening to you lot, I made this a Jiva chapter! I tried making this as sweet as possible, because that's how I see their relationship.

I couldn't help but make this chapter happen in Singapore. It's my country and I just had to include it in the story! The thing is, in Singapore, homosexuality is not exactly recognized here, which I find really sad. Every little thing, if is seen as homosexual, is judged and critized, which is really annoying to me. I'm not trying to critize my country or anything, just sharing my views.

Rated R or mature for smut. Enjoy!


We were going on a trip, the five of us. Management thought a change of scenery might help with our song writing. I didn't mind. This trip meant that I could spend quality time with the man of my affection. Some personal and alone time with the tall, dark and handsome Siva... I could hardly wait.

It was a two week trip to Singapore, which made it even better. With family there, Siva loved that place, leaving him in a great mood every time. When he was happy, I was too.

It was a 13 hour flight, and about halfway through it, I woke up to find myself resting on his shoulder. I rubbed my eyes, looking up at his perfect face. I couldn't help but trace my finger along the outline of his beautiful cheekbones. It wasn't long before he woke up, eyes fluttering open.

With a yawn, he shifted his head to face me, a smile playing at his lips. He glanced at my finger, which was still on his cheek, and asked, "What are you doing?"

I pulled my hand away, my face flushing red. "Nothing."

He laughed before moving to kiss the tip of my nose. "How long have we been asleep?"

I checked my watch. "It's 2 am UK time, so about 7 hours."

"Only 6 more to go," He sighed, leaning back against his chair. He then turned to smile at me. "At least I have you to spend it with."

My cheeks turned a darker shade of red. Why was I getting all worked up over such simple things? "Umm... I... I'm gonna go to the washroom." I got up and quickly walked down to the restroom. Once inside, I locked the door behind me and splashed cold water onto my face.

What was happening to me? Why was I blushing? I should be used to his Siva's compliments by now! Maybe it was the heat, or the fact that we were on a plane, or maybe...

"We're not..."

"Official? Aww, Jay... It will happen. You know it will."

I couldn't help but think of that. We weren't official, which in my book meant that we haven't done the deed yet. I wasn't sure when we would. Siva liked taking things slow; I could possibly wait forever for him to agree to it. I couldn't let them happen; I was going to persuade him the best I could.

With new found determination, I got back to my seat, finding him looking through the movie selection on his entertainment system. "It sucks that they don't have any Star Wars or Star Trek on this thing..."

"Hey Seev?" I called to him. "You ever thought of... well... airplane sex?"

His face filled with confusion. "What?"

"No, I'm not saying that we should do it or anything! I'm just asking if you considered it. You know, like that scene in 'Snakes on the Plane'? Of course without all the snakes and dying..."

"Jay, are trying to suggest something?"

He was seeing right through me! Damn it, I had to think of something. "No, I'm not! What do you think I am, some kind of sex pervert? Of course not! I'm just asking! Sheesh, get your head out of the gutter!"

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