New Day

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I'm sorry that this chapter is so short. I really wanted to make this longer, but I just didn't know how. It's really romantic and cheesy and fluffy, just to let you know, not much going so I think it's a little boring. Definitely mot my best work. Sorry...

Anyways, thanks for reading/commenting/voting. The last chapter didn't get that may comments/votes, but no worries. You guys got this up to 1,400+ reads. Thanks y'all!

Comment/vote! Enjoy!


I woke up in the morning to the smell of pancakes and maple syrup. Opening my eyes, I saw Tom with a tray of food in his hands, standing at the side of the bed.

"Hey baby," he smiled, setting the tray down in front of me. "Made you breakfast."

I guess curiosity was written all over my face, because he started explaining. "Well, last week we had all that coming out drama and you had the therapy, so we kinda missed our six month anniversary. Figured I should make you something to celebrate it now."

"Aww, you're so sweet. Thank you." I couldn't believe it. Half a year had already gone by. Why did time pass so quickly?

He crawled onto the bed next to me. "I know I'm not the best cook in the world, but I did my best."

I took a piece into my mouth, enjoying the sweet pancakes. "It's perfect!" I leaned over, kissing him with my syrup stained lips.

As I continued on my breakfast, I asked him, "So, where are we going later?"

"I thought you would wanna just stay home."

I raised an eyebrow. "I've been stuck in rooms and hospitals for the past month. The last thing I wanna do is stay at home for our anniversary."

He rolled his eyes playfully at me. "Okay, okay, so where do you wanna go?"

I looked out the window. The day was perfect, and I needed to get out, to enjoy the fresh air. Thinking for a minute, I said, "The beach."


With my shades on, it felt so good to be outside. With the sun's rays hitting me and the sea breeze blowing past, I smiled. "I don't regret coming here at all."

Beside me, Tom said, "I'm glad you chose this place. At least here, I get to see you shirtless."

I turned my head to face him. "Babe, you get to see me shirtless every night."

"I know," he smirked. "It's just different here."

I turned back up, putting my hands behind my head. This was a perfect place. The sun was shining, the water was calm, and there weren't many people there either. I couldn't have been more relaxed.

The two of us laid there in silence for a good ten minutes, soaking in the sun. Then, I came up with an idea. I pushed myself upright and looked over at Tom. "Hey, mate?"


"Last one into the water owes ice cream!" 

Before he could even ask, I got off the seat and dashed towards the shore. Behind me, I could hear his feet pounding on the sand, chasing after me. He was calling me, but I laughed, speeding up. I jumped into the ocean, sinking into the water. As I broke the surface, there was a big splash beside me; Tom appeared from under the water a second later.

"Hah, I win!" I cheered.

He jutted his lower lip out. "Not fair. You cheated!"

"Whatever, you owe me some ice cream," I grinned at him.

He squinted at me, before a sly smirk grew on his face. "How about I give you something else in exchange for owing you?"

"Like what?"

Without warning, Tom kissed me, hard. I was surprised, but I gave in quickly. Our lips glided over each other's, our bodies pressed close together. Both my hands were running through his wet hair while his were brushing my arms. It was getting so heated that I thought I could feel the water around us turning warmer.

A kiss in the ocean. Who knew it could be so great?



"To six months of being together!" I clinked my glass against Tom's. We downed our drinks and started digging into our food. After a long day at the beach, it was finally dinner time. Right by the beach was a really nice restaurant, and we decided to go there.

Once we were done, we went back down to the beach. By then, the sun had already set, turning the sky a nice dark blue. The moon was a crescent, shining its light down, causing the water to shimmer and the sand to light up. Hand in hand, we slowly walked down the beach along the shore, nobody and nothing bothering us. We found a nice spot and sat down, our hands still linked. Our shoulders together, we stared out at the sea, taking in the view. 

Tom turned to look at me and said, "I love you."

"I love you too." I placed a soft kiss on his lips, to which he smiled.

"I can't believe six months has already come and gone," he continued. 

"I know what you mean." I rested my head on his shoulder. "Tom, I know that for the past half a year, our relationship hasn't exactly been smooth. We've had a lot of troubles and obstacles in our way, but-"

"-but we made it through," he finished. He smiled. "And I'm sure we can do the same for more than six months."

"Just promise me that no matter what comes our way, we'll get past it together."

"I promise. And you have to promise me that when times get difficult and hard, you'll never leave. That you'll stay with me."

"Always." With that, our lips met in a tender kiss.

He pulled away, telling me, "I love you so much that it hurts. Is that even possible?"

I chuckled. "Of course it is, because I feel the same way too." I returned my lips to his, savouring the taste of chocolate and cream on them. We just sat there, our lips connected and our hands entwined, enjoying the moment.

After a long while, we finally break the kiss. I stood up, pulling him up after. "It's getting late, we should be getting back."

"Okay, yours or mine tonight?"

"Yours. We've spent enough time in my flat."

"But I love your flat. Besides, I have some stuff there."

"Come on, Tom. I've missed yours, and your bed."

He sighed, smirking. "Fine, we'll go to mine, but just for tonight. I really need to get back my shirts from your flat."

"Deal." I smiled as we made our way to get a taxi. As we walked, I suddenly thought of something.

"Tom, why go to anyone's house?"

"Then where are we supposed to sleep?"

"No, I don't mean now. I saying that we should stop all this deciding about whose flat to go to. I don't want to keep travelling back and forth between both our flats."

"So... what are you saying?"

"Let's move in together."

He stopped and starred at me. "What?"

"It's not like we can't afford it right? We can easily find a nice place where we can live together. Isn't that better? What do you say?"

Tom looked at me, his mind in the process of thought. Then, a huge smile appeared on his face. He wrapped his arms around me. "Yes!"

I hugged him tightly, smiling and laughing along with him. We were going to live together; it couldn't be more perfect than this.

It was a huge step, but it was definitely in the right direction.

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