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I woke up this morning feeling tired as always, I could barely get any sleep last night with all the tests and exams coming my way. I am only in 10th grade the fact that I have so many assignments when the seniors don't have much work is something I will never understand.

I got up to go get ready for school, once I was finished getting ready I made my way downstairs and towards the kitchen to grab a bite to eat before walking to school.

"Good morning Ella" my dad said sitting at the diner table.

"Morning dad" I said quickly grabbing a muffin, and a bottle of juice from the table.

"Not going to sit and eat?" my dad asked.

"No, I have a test I have to prepare for tomorrow and I wanna go early to study in the library"

"That's my smart girl" dad smiled at me and I smiled back before getting out of the house.

My parents always wanted me to do good in school, ever since my brother dropped out when he was 16, I am their only hope as they put it. My family cut all ties with my brother and honestly who knows what he is doing right now.

When I arrived at school I made my way to the library to study and be prepared for my exam tomorrow, after 30 minutes or so the bell rang and it was time to go to my first period class.

The school day, just like any other regular school day ended quickly. I was thankful I went today because my teacher mentioned what was going to specifically be on the exam tomorrow. I like to be organized and I wrote a complete list of all the topics to study for, I pulled out my notebook from my bag while I was walking home from school and flipped through the pages as I walked.

Without seeing where I was going, I bumped into a poll and fell to the ground and shut my eyes in pain then sat up after a while, I looked around and thanked god that no one was around because that would've been pretty embarrassing. I picked up my notebook then made my way home.

It was now 10 pm and I was in the desk in my room studying for the exam. I re-read the notes in my head but as soon as I finished reading the sentence it was like everything erased from my head and I didn't know anything anymore, then I remembered what one of my teachers from freshman year told me that if I wanted to remember things better saying them out loud would help me do so.

I read my notes out loud and after a while my dad barged in the room looking around, I looked at him "dad, everything alright?" I asked

"Yeah, uh who were you talking too?" He asked confused

"Uh no one, I was just reading my notes to help me prepare for my exam"

"Sweetie, what you were saying didn't sound like anything that would be on an exam"

"What?" I raised an eyebrow then chuckled "well duh, this stuff is confusing even to me, but I'll eventually figure it out"

"Maybe don't put to much pressure on your self"

"No it's fine, this way is actually working pretty good so far"

My dad nodded slowly "uh goodnight Ella" before closing the door behind him.

"Night" I said then continued to look over my notes

I woke up that morning feeling a bit more confident about my exam then ever and was sure that I will do great on it. I got up and got ready just like every other day and went down to the kitchen for breakfast and I see my mom and dad in the middle of a conversation "you think this is a good idea" my mom said to my dad.

"I think she's going crazy, this will help her" my dad said.

I walked into the kitchen and looked at both of them "uh good morning, what are you guys talking about?"

They looked at me startled like they've just seen a ghost. Then my dad finally said "sweetie, you're not going to school today"

I looked at him a bit shocked "what? Why not"

"You have somewhere else to be now" my mom said

"I wish, but no I have an exam remember"

"No that's cancelled, we called your school and told them you aren't coming, and when you get back you will take the exam"

"When I get back?" I raised my eyebrows at them "where am I going"

They both looked at each other.

"Come on, let's not be late" my mom said and left the house with my dad following close behind her

"What the hell is happening" I thought to my self as I
followed them.

I got into the car and my dad started driving and I was still confused since no one is bothering to say anything, after a while my dad finally parked the car, I looked out the window to read a sign for a building that says "centre for troubled teens" I looked at my parents and said "troubled, when did I do something that was troubling"

My dad sighed "nothing, but we're just worried for you and feel that this centre would help you become better"

"Better how, there's nothing wrong with me"

"Sweetie you were talking to someone last night"

"No I wasn't, I was reading my notes for my exam which by the way I was supposed to be taking today"

After going back and forth with my parents which felt like hours I found myself in the building and going into my room which apparently was supposed to be my room for the next 6 months. I sighed as I looked around, my parents think I'm crazy great I thought to my self.

The sooner I convince the workers here I'm not crazy the sooner I get to go home. I noticed a little hole in the wall in the corner of the room I walked over to it and could hear music coming from the other side "guess that's my roommate" I said quietly then went over to my bed.

These are going to be a long six months.

AN:: first chapter all done!! How did you guys like it? Was it good? I know not very interesting because Luke wasn't involved but I promise he's coming next chapter. This chapter was supposed to bring our Isabellas personality, so if you were confused it would probably make sense in upcoming chapters hopefully.

Since this book is actually completed, I will be posting an update every other day so stay tuned! :))

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