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"What?" I stared at my dad "what are you talking about"

"You know what I'm talking about, I heard you in your room before I walked in and saw the picture, you said Luke" he said "and just before I caught you hugging the air" he took a pause "you also said Luke, which means you were hugging him"


"So it's true?"

I bit my lip slightly "dad are you out of your mind?" I said "I don't see ghosts"

"Then who's Luke?"

"A guy from a book I'm reading?"

"but the drawing?"

I shrugged "I think I bumped my head against that pole, and saw the drawing that's how I remember it"

"What were you doing by the pole anyway?"

"I wanted to see if that's where I saw the picture from and I was correct"

He looked at me with a weird expression then sighed in relief "oh thank god, I don't not want to send you back there"

I nodded "now I'm going to go up to my room"

"Okay, and Ella... please no more reading out loud"

"Got it" and with that I went up to my room

I opened up my bedroom to see a figure sitting on my bed.

"Luke" I whispered with a smile then shut my door. Dad is already suspicious of me, I can't have him send me back or worse him know about Luke and tell Emily about it.

Which made me wonder, does Luke wanna get in touch with his mom, I mean it wouldn't make sense for me to talk to her about him since he died before I was born but to leave messages here and there.

I walked over to my bed and sat next to him "where did you disappear too after seeing your poster on the pole"

Luke shrugged "I just went to tell the guys about it"

I nodded

"Must say I was a bit surprised to come back and you were talking to my mom"

"Yeah... but I think it's sweet that she likes to visit the place where you guys died"

He nodded "yeah"

I looked at him "what's wrong"

He looked at me and shook his head "nothing"

I smiled at him "so you staying for long... I mean I don't mind but I have to be careful and not let my dad hear"

He nodded "no don't worry, I won't stay long"

I smiled "your welcome to come back at anytime... but just not when I'm sleeping" I laughed but quickly stopped myself

"Wanna watch something?" Luke suggested

I nodded "yeah, sounds great"

I opened up my laptop and put it on my bed as I cuddled in close to Luke, with his arm around me as we watched a couple episodes of the series 'friends'.

After finishing the 5th episode Luke got off the bed "alright, I guess it's my time to go now"

I got off the bed and stood next to him "until next time"

He nodded then looked at me grabbing my hands "there won't be a next time"

"What?" I looked at him with a raised eyebrow

"Bella... I don't know how to say this but I'm not real"

"Yes, Luke I know... you're a ghost and-"

He interrupted me "no you don't get it.... none of us are real, not even your dad"

I looked at him and laughed "my dads real"

He shook his head and I let go of his hands "what is wrong with you... why are you telling me this?"

"Because it's time to send you back"

"Send me back?"

And with that he placed his lips on mine and suddenly it felt like I was being taken to another dimension.

My eyes were still closed when that weird feeling stopped and I slowly started to open them by blinking a few times.

But when I opened my eyes, I wasn't in my room but in a hospital.

"How did I get here" I said to myself.

I looked to my left and saw my mother sleeping on the chair that was placed next to the bed "what is she doing here"

I got off the bed and went over to tap her on the shoulder lightly "mom.... mom" I whispered

"Yes Ella" she said softly in her sleep then after a moment after realizing what she just said she opened her eyes and jumped up embracing me into her arms

"woah... mom what's wrong"

"Oh sweetie... I thought something bad would've happened to you"

"What are you talking about..?"

"You don't remember"

I shook my head and looked around the room "what happened after that kiss.. and where was Luke" I thought to myself"

I wasn't even paying attention when my mother went to the hallway to call the doctor, and as soon as the doctor walked in I smiled in relief "oh Emily.. when did you become a doctor?"

Emily looked at my mother and then back at me "there are no signs of brain damage, or memory loss" she said looking back at my mom

"Woah... what do you mean?"

Emily walked over to me "sweetie.. you hit your head pretty hard against a pole that you fell unconscious for about 5 months now"

"What...?" I stared at her in shock and shook my head "no, well yes I did hit my head but then my parents" I pointed to my mother "sent me to the centre where I met you"

"I don't work at a centre and, you've been in a coma"

"How could I have been in a coma, when you told me about Luke then?"

"Luke?" She said with a raised eyebrow "my son, Luke?"

"Yes him... when you went to visit where him and his friends died"

Emily shook her head "god forbid.. Luke is perfectly healthy"

"So you see him?"

"Yes" She nodded

"And he's not dead?"


"Wait." My mom spoke up "how do you know about Luke?"

I put my head in my hands and sighed "I don't know anymore"

"I think we should leave her alone for a bit and then come back in a hour or so"

My mom nodded "i'll be right outside sweetie.. call me if you need anything"

I quickly laid back on the bed staring back up and the ceiling "how is that even possible" I said to myself "I was imaging Luke being dead the whole time.. but why and how, that's what he meant by to send me back... so I was really in a coma"

I shook my head "no way, I had to go see Luke and get answers from him"

AN:: don't hate me, I know this story literally sucks but my creativity really hated me these last few weeks!!

Next chapter already posted :)) happy reading! And don't hate me for the ending 😬😬

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