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After getting back into the centre with Luke I made my way to my room without a word from him.

I honestly didn't see what his problem was, okay yeah he's not supposed to be talking to anyone but that doesn't mean your next door neighbour... right?

I also don't know what I'm not supposed to be talking to anyone even means but I guess it has something to do with how he got in here in the first place, which means Luke probably got himself into a lot of trouble.

I laid down on my bed staring at the ceiling  sighing.
"Why did I just have to ruin the moment"

I had no right to be angry at Luke, but he did over exaggerate a little bit right?

After spending a couple I sighed once more and looked over at the hole then walked over to it, sitting down next to it. "Luke"


A minute or so past and there was still no answer and I decided to just continue on, he's probably in the room just ignoring me, or he could of just left again and I would be talking to myself

"I'm sorry, about earlier.... I get it, you didn't want to get in trouble or talk about it. That's fine but just know I'll always be here for you if you wanna talk about anything and I won't ask anymore questions about your life. If you don't wanna share"

I bit my lip, waiting for a response but nothing, just silence...

He probably did end up leaving again, or I don't even know if he even came up to his room, I got in here a hurry who knows.

I got up from the wall and was about to go back to my bed when I heard a knock on the door.

It's probably just Emily checking up on me, I walked over to the door and was shocked about who I saw on the other side, it wasn't Emily but Luke.

Luke had a small single rose in his hand, I looked at him.

"Bella, I'm sorry" he said which honestly took me by surprise "I was kind of a jerk earlier today and I promise that I will tell you everything just not now, okay?"

I nodded

"I just want to enjoy this time we have together but you go"

"I don't leave this place for another 3 months"  I said

"I don't mean this place, I mean me"

I shook my head "Luke... whatever you're hiding from me it can't be that bad"

Luke shrugged and handed me the rose "I got you a rose"

I smiled and took it from his hand "thank you, it's beautiful"

"So, you forgive me"

"I was never mad at you, Luke"

"You have no idea how happy I am to be hearing that" Luke said with a smile on his face

I hugged him back then he pulled away a short while after "After you got back to your room, I decided to go visit Reggie and Alex, and they want to meet you too, so what do you say, tomorrow morning we go visit them together?"

I nodded "yes, I'd like that" I said with a smile.

"Awesome" he said then kissed my cheek, and I felt my cheeks start to blush.

"Wait.. did you just come back from seeing Alex and Reggie?"

He nodded "yes, why?"

I shook my head and smiled "just a couple minutes before you knocked on my door I was apologizing to an empty room"

Luke laughed "damn wish I would of heard it"

Luke kissed me on the cheek on more time "goodnight Bella, I'll see you tomorrow morning"

I nodded "goodnight Luke" I said then shut the door.


As soon as I got ready the next morning, there was a knock on my door and it was Luke.

"Good morning Bella, hope you slept well"

I nodded "I did, and you did too right?"

"Awesome, and yeah perfectly fine" He said then grabbed my hand and walked with me down the hallway and towards the staircase to outside.

This was only my third time going out, and I was slowly getting used to it.

We made our way to what I assumed is the place Reggie and Alex were staying at.

Once we arrived at our destination, I was greeted by a loft/garage type looking home. I looked over at Luke "is this where they live?"

He nodded "yes, it doesn't look to great from the outside but the inside is cool"

He opened up the doors and let me walk in first. I looked around at my surroundings as soon as I walked through the door and saw some instruments a bunch of garbage bags with what I assumed to be clothes and posters all around the room. I next noticed two boys one blonde and one brunette which I assumed to be Alex and Reggie. "Hi, I'm Reggie"

I smiled at him "Isabella"

He chuckled "I know who you are silly"

I smiled then noticed the blonde boy get up and stand up next to him "and I'm Alex"

I nodded "it's nice to meet you guys"

Luke stood next to me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder "so, how do you like it?"

I shrugged "it's nice"

"Just nice?" Alex said

I mean I like the posters, I paid a close attention to them now and sunset curve was written on them "Sunset Curve, that is your band name right?"

All three boys nodded

"The one and only" Luke said with a smile on his face.


After hanging out with the boys for a couple of hours it was now time for Luke and I to go back before it got dark

"Make sure you come back here Bella, so we can perform a song to you" Reggie said

I smiled "that would be awesome, I am definitely coming back then"

Luke and I made our way back to the centre and once getting into the building made our way up to our rooms.

Before I got the chance to open the door Luke grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him.

Although I have held hands with Luke before I have never actually been this close before.

"The boys really liked you today" Luke said

I smiled "I liked, them too... their great"

Luke smiled then slowly leaned in and kissed me on the lips. I felt my kneels melt as I began to kiss him back it was only a short kiss but I just couldn't help but be amazed by it. "Goodnight Bella, ill see you tomorrow"

"Goodnight Luke" I smiled then walked into my room shut the door and smiled like an idiot once it was closed.

I didn't know how I was able to sleep at night with all the butterflies in my stomach but I was eventually able to go to bed.

I woke up the next morning to the sound of knocking on my door, I looked over at the clock "I slept in, it must be Luke already" I said to myself as I got out of bed and made my way to the door and opened it with a huge smile on my face.

However, when I saw who was standing on the other side of the door my smiled dropped, it was honestly the last person I'd ever think I'd see.

"Dad?" I said.

AN:: uh oh? What's happening now???
Also I promise more Reggie and Alex scenes in the future!!

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