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Luke and I made our way to the exit of the carnival once we were finished, and began walking back to the centre, it was silent but a comfortable silence. I honestly was a bit tired, I spend my days drawing, reading and sleeping that I have never moved so much in the last 3 months like I did for those 2 hours and I definitely knew that my legs were going to kill.

"How was it" Luke asked

"It was great" I said looking at him "Thank you, I had a really great time"

Luke smiled "So did I"

As we continued to walk I looked over at him "Thank you, by the way I feel alive again after being trapped for 3 months"

Luke smiled and nodded "of course, and I know the feeling, it's tough"

I nodded

"So you definitely wanna do this again, I hope?" He asked me

I looked up at him and smiled nodding, "yes, I would want to do this again, however not a carnival something else even if it's just walking on the beach I don't mind"

He nodded "I'll keep that in mind"

I laughed and looked around our surroundings "the world is quieter than I last remember it to be, everyone around us seems to be focusing on themselves"

"Would you rather them look at you?"

"What" I shook my head "no of course not, it's just everything feels so strange like I'm living another universe"

He nodded "it's probably because you were all to yourself for 3 months with no one to talk to but the workers"

"And you"

He smiled "yeah, and me"

Soon enough we reached back to the centre and I looked at Luke "how do we get in?"

"The same way we got out"

We walked through the alley and stood by the door that was next to the dumpsters

"Now what?" I asked

"We wait until someone opens up this door"

"What, are you serious, then we will get caught and it can be hours before someone opens up this door"

Just as I said that the door opened and Luke immediately grabbed my hand and pulled me close to him while his other hand held the door making sure it stayed open, a male which looked like janitor came out of the door with two large garbage bags to dump them in the dumpster, while he left Luke emerged from behind the door pulling me with him and going up the stairs once we reached our floor he looked at me.

"You really need to be patient Bella, everything happens eventually"

I nodded and he unlocked the stair case door and walked down the hallway towards our rooms he stopped at my door then turned around to look at me before opening up the door and letting me in "we will do this again"

I nodded "yes we will"

He smiled "now I would normally say goodbye when dropping of my date at their place but considering we're neighbours and we will talk to each other even after this door is closed there's no point"

I chuckled and nodded "talk to you soon" and with that I closed the door. Once the door was shut I blushed "he called this a date" I thought to my self.

I sat on my bed and immediately laid down "wow I'm exhausted" I said and before I knew it I was closing my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

I woke up at what seemed to be a few hours later and rubbed my eyes and ran a hand through my hair and looked over at the hole in the wall "I wonder what luke is up too" I sat up and went over to the wall and sat down next to her "Luke are you there"


A little while later I heard footsteps come close to the wall and felt a presence sit next to it "so, the princess is finally up"

I blushed "yeah didn't know I would honestly be that tired"

"Yeah, I guess it could be tiring if you're not used to it, but I'm glad you got some rest"


I played with my hands and then said "So, what are your plans for tomorrow then?"

"Nothing really, what about for you?"

"Uh" I ran a hand through my hair "I was planning on sketching some more"

"Sketching?" He said "you like to draw?"

I nodded "yeah, it makes me calm in a way I guess"

"So what do you like to draw then?"

I shrugged "just my surroundings, you know like things around me and I know it might sound silly but I also like to draw up how I'm feeling on the inside and that could be as little as drawing a black circle on a page"

"I see"

I looked at the hole in the wall "if you want" I bit my lip "you can come by my room tomorrow, and I can show you some drawings"

"Yeah sounds good, look forward to it"

I smiled "great"

I pulled my knees to my chest as I leaned against the wall "Luke?"


"Can we maybe get out of here again, I suddenly feel cramped up in this room"

I heard Luke chuckle "I'm sure I can arrange something, what do you wanna do?"

I shrugged "it's completely up to you"

"Okay, sounds like a plan then, looking forward to it Bella"

"Me too"

AN:: sorry, short chapter and nothing really interesting happened :// but it is a development into their relationship!!

And where should they go when they sneak out the second time?? Give me your thoughts and ideas, I will add them I'f they fit with what I have planned!!

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