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3 months later..

It has been 3 months living in this centre and I choose not to leave my room, I probably sound like a diva or whatever but I don't wanna be here the routine here is so boring, and I miss my friends their probably worried about me right now since the day before I came here I barely talked to them since my mind was set on my exam.

Since being trapped in this room I haven't been talking to anyone, only the occasional worker that comes in and brings in my food, as for my mystery roommate I haven't talked to them yet, they seem like the quiet type since through out the day I rarely hear them and then sometimes at night I could hear them playing the guitar, the playing is good but like come on they can't do that when I'm not trying to fall asleep.

I was sitting on the bed just sketching on a note pad when I heard someone say 'Hello' I looked around and raised an eyebrow then shook my head going back to drawing. "I know you're in there" it was clear that it was a boys voice, I sighed making my way to the door, but when I opened it up no one was there.

"What the hell" I shut the door and I heard some chuckling.

"Try the corner of the room" I walked over to where the little hole was and looked through it and was met with another pair of brown eyes.

"Ah, what the hell" I put my hand to my heart.

"Hi, I'm Luke, I would shake your hand but I don't think it fits through the hole"

I ran a hand through my hair and sighed slightly "I'm Isabella"

"Isabella, nice name" he said

I nodded "thanks"

Then silence "so what are you in here for?"

I put my back against the wall "well, apparently my dad thinks I've gone off the deep end sent me here because he heard me talking to someone"

"Well, were you talking to someone" Luke asked

"What no, I was studying for my exam which was completely useless to do, I'm not crazy"

I heard Luke chuckle "we're all a little crazy"

"Yeah well, not me" I looked over at the door "what about you, why are you here?"

"Well, I think lots of reasons, but I can't quite decided which one yet"

I raised an eyebrow "okay I'll pretend I understood what you said" I ran a hand through my hair "so, you play guitar?"

"Yeah, how'd you know?"

"I can literally hear you play every night" I said

"Oh right, my bad, do you play any instruments?"

"No, but I've always wanted to play the piano, I think it would be pretty fun to learn"

It was silent after a while so I decided to speak again "how long have you been playing the guitar?"

"A couple years now, but seems like forever"

I nodded in response, "does that mean you sleep during the day, since you always choose to play at night"

I heard Luke chuckle "No, can you keep a secret"

"Umm, sure" I said playing with fingers

"I actually leave during the day, you know go see friends then come here at night when they check up on me"

"What how?" I said confused "I'm sure someone sees you leave"

I heard Luke chuckle again "this isn't a prison, yes we're watched at times but they don't mind you walking in the hallways which btw you should try, you're not forced to be locked in your room all day, which brings me to my second question why don't you leave your room"

I shrugged then realized he couldn't see me "well, I'm only here for 6 months, and there's 3 more months to go I don't see the point in going out and talking with others when I'm going to leave soon"

"You think they would make you go even more crazy"

I sighed "im not crazy"

"Mhmm, if you're not crazy sneak out with me"

"What, no never"  I said

"Why not?" He said

"I don't know you"

"Fine, don't go out with me tomorrow, but next week  so we can get to know each other better"

"I don't know, I think I should stay inside"

"Come on, live a little I promise nothing bad will happen and no one will even know your gone"

"I'll think about it"

"Awesome" I can hear a smile in his voice.

For the past week Luke and I have been getting to each other better, and I found out that he is actually a really sweet and caring guy.  Sure I didn't know what he looked like but he did mention that he is also 17 which is a good thing to know that I wasn't talking to a kid. 

I was honestly really nervous and I didn't know if it was because I was sneaking out, or that I am going to meet Luke in person.

My mom used to tell me that I tend to over think a lot, and honestly I agree with her. This wasn't a date I keep telling myself and clearly he just wants to get out of here and bring me a long to show me what I'm missing out on, a relationship isn't going to come out of this.

Now, it was the night before I was supposed to be sneaking out with Luke and I was sitting down on my bed, sketching when I heard

"Pssst Bella" it was Luke.

Oh did I mention that he started calling me Bella, honestly was shocked at first cause I was used to being called Isabella, or Ella but Bella had a nice ring to it!

I got off my bed and walked closer to the wall so he can hear me better, and that I can talk to him without the workers hearing.


"I found out from a friend that there is this carnival that's happening tomorrow, so we're going to that, so wear something comfortable"

"I thought we were just going to be walking around for an hour then coming back"

He laughed "now where's the fun in that?"

"I don't know if I'm ready to even go out in the street, let alone a carnival... I don't think I can do it"

"Yes you can, I wouldn't take you there if I didn't think you could... just trust me okay, I'll be by your side the entire time nothing will happen to you"

I sighed then nodded "Fine, but just for an hour, two hours most, then you have to bring me back before they find out I'm gone"

"Okay okay, I promise" he said "Goodnight, see you tomorrow" and then I heard footsteps walk away from the wall and I smiled to myself before going back to my bed and sitting on it and then looking over at the wall feeling excited for tomorrow I got under the covers and shut my eyes.

AN: Oooo next chapter they meet. So excited for you guys to read it, and I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!!

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