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After getting out of the hospital bed and leaving the room making sure not to get caught by my mom or Emily, I quickly made my way out of the hospital and to the street without looking to suspicious.

I honestly didn't have a plan.. and was pretty confused.

Why did I imagine them being ghosts... why was I at the centre..

I touched my head as I felt myself getting a headache.

I saw a bench near a bus stop and decided that I will sit and rest before going back to the hospital.

As I put my head in my hands I heard two girls walk past me talking about this band that were playing tonight at the Orpheum and how they were so excited to meet them.

A bus came shortly after and I looked up and was shocked at what I saw on the side of the bus completely shocked me.

It was a picture of none other than Alex, Reggie and Luke and written on it was 'Sunset Curve'

'Sunset Curve' that name rings a bell... oh right Luke told me about it... and their performing tonight.!

I quickly shot up the bench and thought to myself "what are the odds that they would still live in that garage"

I shrugged as I kept walking "it was at least worth a try"

I walked in front of the garage "I really hope they live here" I said to myself

As I approached the door and was about to knock on it I was stopped by this big guy who was wearing all black with the word 'security' printed on it.

"Woah lady... concert doesn't start until later and no meet and greets until they get to the arena"

'Looks like I made it to the right house then' I shook my head "no sir... I'm uh friend"

He nodded "yup I'm sure... now if you can go"

I sighed "this is going to be impossible"

Just as I thought that Luke came from out of the doors.... without even thinking I quickly ran up to him and gave him a hug "Luke"

He froze "uhh hello to you too" he said as the security guard was pulling me off of him, which is when I remembered he doesn't know me.

"I need to talk to you" I blurted out

"We have to go to the arena soon... if you have a pass we can talk after the show"

"I- umm I" I don't know what was happening to me, I was extremely nervous and stuttering, it's probably because I honestly didn't know where to begin, how do you tell someone you had a dream about them while in a coma about them being ghosts.

By this time Reggie and Alex were already out and beside Luke and I shook my head "nothing"

"Are you alright" Luke asked, seeming a bit concerned.

"Uh yeah... have a good show" and with that I left.

I guess it was all just a stupid thought and didn't mean anything, but I guess when I did hit my head on the pole I did see the guys which is probably why I was dreaming of them.

I was walking down the street when I heard a car pull up next to me and park, the people that were coming out of the car were honestly not who I expected.

"Luke... Alex... Reggie" I said looking at them.

"We didn't catch your name" Luke said

"Bel— Isabella"

Luke nodded "nice name"

I smiled slightly

Alex then spoke up "you were going to tell Luke something sounded serious... are you alright"

I shrugged

"Oh no" Reggie said and all heads turned to look at him "you're pregnant"

"What" Luke and I said at the same time.

I shook my head "no I'm not"

Luke snacked Reggie on the shoulder "it my first time meeting her"

"Oh" Reggie said

"Anyway..." Luke looked back at me "what were you saying?"

"You'll probably think I'm crazy" I shook my head "just forget about it"

"Try me" he said looking me in the eyes.

"Well... apparently I hit my head against this pole which put me in a coma, and while in said coma my dad put me in a centre where I met you"

Luke raised his eyebrow

"Or where I thought I met you" I continued "and while being in there I met Alex and Reggie.... which is why I knew where you guys lived by the way, I'm not like a crazy stalker of anything.

They nodded

"Makes sense" Alex said

"And then after a while I found out you guys were actually ghosts and how you are at the centre to visit your mom Emily, and well that's about it" I looked at them "yeah I know... crazy"

Luke then looked at me "if you were in the coma how did you know that we were living now?"

"Your mom.. Emily she was the doctor that was there when I woke up"

Luke nodded

"Wait" Alex spoke up "did you say that we were dead?"

I nodded


"Apparently a car crash.." I looked around and chuckled as I saw the pole from a far "there to be exact"

They all looked at the pole "woah" they said in unison

"So do you think this dream you had means something?"

I shrugged "I honestly don't know, everything" I looked at Luke "seemed so real"

Just then a car that was passing by us hit the pole due to some thing that was on the main road.

We all looked ahead at it

"Are you guys thinking what I'm thinking?" Alex said

"Are you thinking about Pizza?" Reggie said


Reggie shook his head "then no I'm not"

Alex sighed "since we stopped to talk to Isabella, no car has drove by, what if we hadn't stopped to talk to her that could've been us just like what she imagined which turned it into a reality"

"You think" Luke asked

"Yes... I'm certain by this" Alex said

"Then I guess Isabella here just saved our lives"

I smiled slightly at Luke.

"Wait.. you just woke up today" Luke asked and I nodded "does anyone know you got out"

I shook my head

"A rebel... nice"

I chuckled "did learn from the best"

Luke raised an eyebrow "guess some interesting things happened while you were out"

"Oh you have no idea" I said


AN:: the worst ending ever!! I'm so sorry guys I literally had so much things planned but nothing made sense at all!!

It pains me cause this story started off kinda good and went downhill but ehh glad it's over I guess!!

Thanks for reading it though and I hope you atleast enjoyed reading it!!

Also more news coming on new story with Charlie coming soon, I will be posting something on it soon, and if you want to know the original ending for this story meaning the one I wrote 3 years ago let me know and I will be happy to post it..

Keep in mind the original ending ends before Isabella's dad comes to get her out of the centre so anything after is irrelevant in terms of that ending!!!

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