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"Oh no" I heard Luke say

He approached me with a nervous look on his face, I looked over at Reggie and Alex and they had a similar look as well.

I felt myself get a little light handed, and next thing I knew, I was falling to the ground.


I was laying on the sofa with my eyes closed and can feel three figures hovering over me.

"Do you think she'll wake up?"  That sounded like Reggie.

"Yes.... eventually" Alex said.

I blinked a couple times before fully opening my eyes and looking at the three guys in front of me.

"Oh she's up" Reggie said.

I quickly sat up remembering what happened before I passed out "how did you do that" I said to Luke.

"Bella..." Luke said "are you alright" he tried to touch my shoulder but I quickly dodged it by sitting up and getting off the couch walking around the garage.

"Yes, now tell me how did you do that"


Alex and Reggie looked at one another before Alex said "we will leave you guys alone" and walked towards the door getting out of the garage.

I looked back at Luke "I'm waiting"

"Bella... I-" but nothing came after

"When were you going to tell me that your mom is Emily"

He looked at me with a shock expression "how do you know about that"

"Alex told me, before you poofed in here"

"Did you come here looking for me.." he said with a slight smile


He smiled

"But because I wanted answers to why you lied to me"

"It's not easy telling someone your a ghost, especially a cute girl"

If Luke hadn't said he was a ghost I would of completely blushed by the fact that he called me cute.

"I'm sorry.... you're a what?"

"They didn't tell you everything did they"

"Nope, not that" I took a deep breath "when were you planning on telling me?"

Luke looked down at the floor without saying a word

"You weren't planning on tell me were you"

"I was.... but I thought we had more months together "

"You should of told me from the beginning Luke" I said

"I know.... but now that that's out of the way" He walked closer to me "can we go back to how we were before?"

I shook my head "No..."

"Grea—- wait no?" He raised an eyebrow

"I don't know how many times you told someone you were a ghost b-"

"Only you" he cut me off

"Alright" I nodded "but telling someone you're a ghost isn't something that can be accepted right away, I need time to think about it"

"How long?" Luke asked

I shrugged then looked over at the clock that was on the wall "What!!" I shouted "when did it become 9pm"

Luke just shrugged casually "well you did black out for two hours"

"Two hours?!?l I put my head in my hands as I paced around the room "my parents are probably worried for me"

"Just tell them you were with us"

I chuckled "yeah.. good idea telling them I was with a three ghosts, I won't go back to the centre at all" I walked over to the door and opened it finding Reggie and Alex near the door.

I started walking down the driveway and could feel a presence behind me and turned around to see Luke following me.

I stopped and turned around "Luke what are you doing, go back home"

"No, it's late... and I want to walk you home safely"

I sighed "fine whatever" I continued to walk "let's go"

The trip to my house was fairly quiet Luke didn't say much the entire time.

As we got closer to my street I could see my parents pacing down the road, I raised my eyebrows at them and walked closer to them

"Mom, Dad" I looked at them "are you guys alright"

As soon as my mom locked eyes with mine she came running towards me hugging me tightly "we were worried something happened to you"

I bit on my lip slightly

"Nothing bad happened right" my mom asked

I shook my head "no mom, I'm fine"

By this time my dad had came near us "you said you were going for a walk.... for 6 hours" he said.

"I guess, I lost my focus for a second" I said  as my dad raised his eyebrow "I'm fine though... really"

My dad nodded his head  "were you with anyone?" He asked

I raised my eyebrow then looked back and found Luke still closely behind me then looked back at my dad and he seemed to be looking in that direction 'does he see Luke too' I thought to myself.

I shook my head "no... just me"

He nodded "okay come on... let's get inside"

My parents walked ahead of me in the house and I turned to look at Luke, I smiled slightly and waved making sure my parents didn't see me then walked through the front door.

AN:: hey guys!! Sorry for the long wait and In the end it's a sucky chapter... I know I suck!!

It's cuz I clearly forgot that I changed the main plot to the story for example I wrote this when I was in high school so 3 years ago and I had no idea on what Julie and the phantoms even was, and the original concept was for Bella to actually be crazy and imagine people but I though since Luke is a ghost why not make him a ghost here too, and the stuff that was written for this chapter didn't make sense and I had to make sure to fix it so it would fit.

I also started working on a Charlie story, which I'm really excited to release which will obviously come when this story is done!!

Thank you!! 🦋

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