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I woke up the next morning pretty early, and did my usual morning routine. As I was brushing my hair I thought it Luke was awake, I went closer to the wall and heard nothing, I assumed he was sleeping and  went over to my bed to continue the sketch I was working on from last night.

In my mind, I kept picturing what Luke may look like, we never did mention our looks to each other because it wasn't really important but now I'm just really curious, I imagine him maybe with dirty blonde hair, perhaps blue or even hazel eyes.

A little while later, I checked the time and it was already noon, Luke and I hadn't really discussed what time we would be leaving, so I decided to get ready now, to be prepared.

After getting dressed in a pair of jeans and a t shirt with a denim jacket on top of it, since my options of clothes are limited. I was pulling my hair into a poly tail when I heard a knock on my door.

No one usually ever knocks on my door, only the workers but one already came an hour before and I was wondering who it could be now. I walked over to the door and opened it and I felt my jaw drop.

I don't think ever in my life did I see someone so perfect, it was a guy with brown hair, hazel eyes, not that much taller then me standing at my door with the most perfect smile on his face.

I blinked after realizing I was staring and said "Hi?"

His smile grew "Hello Bella"

I instantly recognized that voice "Luke?"

He nodded "well duh, who else could it be"  he then smiled again "oh yeah I forgot you're such a social butterfly that you have people knocking on your door every five seconds"

I shook my head and smiled

Luke looked at me "now, are you ready for a day you will never forget?"

I shrugged

"let's pretend you said yes" he looked around "now let's go before someone sees us" he started to walk away

I took a few steps until I reached the door frame then froze, it's like all of a sudden I got nervous and wasn't sure what to do anymore. It might sound stupid but I haven't stepped foot outside these doors in 3 months and I was suddenly scared to do so.

Luke looked at me "I know, you're probably scared but don't be scared I won't let anything bad happen to you"

I nodded as I looked at him "I'll be fine"

Luke extended out his hand "You can always hold on to me if you want"

I looked at him and smiled slightly reaching my hand and placing in it in his and felt a shiver through my body and thought to myself "Wow, when is the last time that I held hands with a guy before". Luke turned his head and looked at me and gave me an adorable smile and a lil nod and I thought to myself did he hear it too?

Luke walked down this long hallway then when we reached the staircase he turned to me and said "Okay, now we're going to have to be really quiet, can you do that?"

I nodded

"Great" he said in a whisper and took what looked like a card out of his pocket and put it on the key holder that was near the door and suddenly the door opened and I stared at him in wide eyes and thought to myself "How did he even get that card in the first place, I'll have to ask him about that later"

Next thing I knew I was following Luke down the stairs, I couldn't process what I was feeling, because I felt us speeding down the stairs and for what who knows. Suddenly Luke stopped which made me bump into the back of his shoulder "Why'd we stop"

Luke looked over his shoulder "shh" he got close to me pointed to a worker that was walking in the lobby

"Right" I nodded

Once the worker was out of sight we made our way towards the bottom of the staircase which led to a door, that took us right outside.

I looked up at the sky "woah" I smiled "feels weird"

"Yeah I bet" Luke chuckled

"But doesn't smell that nice honestly"

"Well that's because we're standing next to the dumpsters, come on" he pulled me down the alley and into the street and that's when I remembered we were still holding hands and smiled a little.

We reached the sidewalk where we came into view with the other pedestrians and suddenly my nerves were back again. I knew there was nothing wrong with me and I didn't belong in a centre but I felt so different from everyone else, it feels as if Luke felt me getting tensed so he places his other hand on top of mine "don't worry, you got this" I nodded and started walking "So, what if they do catch us both gone, what do you think they'll do?"

Luke looked over at me and shrugged "honestly, they won't do anything, they rarely even check up on me since I like to sometimes lounge around in the halls they probably think I went on a little walk or something, which technically I am going for a walk so"

I chuckled

"As for you, like you said the only time they check up on you is if you call them which you don't do they would think it's just a regular day"

I nodded "okay, I guess that makes sense, but this is just for two hours right?"

"Who would go to a carnival for two hours?" He said

I shrugged "um I don't know two people who shouldn't even be there in the first place"

"You're no fun, if you feel uncomfortable and wanna go back I promise I'll take you back even if the two hours are not up yet"

I nodded "thank you"

"No need to thank me yet"

We continued to walk in a comfortable silence when I thought about the card he had at the staircase "so where did you even get that card to get access to the staircase anyway?"

Luke chuckled "I found it, on a desk and no one was around it so I decided to take it because I thought it would be useful, once I saw people use it to open the staircases, I thought this is how I could get out and that's what I have been doing ever since"

"So, when you do go out where do you go?"

He shrugged "depends I guess, sometimes I see family, go to parks, walk around"

"Your family doesn't say anything about you going to them when you're supposed to be in the centre?"

Luke shook his head and gave me a slight smile "I see them..." he sighed "they don't see me"

"Oh" I nodded

Luke then looked up at me "but now if everything goes well today, which it will, I will have someone come with me every day"

I shook my head "yeah we'll see about that"

He looked over at me and smiled then we made our way to the carnival.

AN:: hey guys!! So sorry for the lack of updates in the last week!! I apologize, I wanted this chapter to be perfect in order for it to make sense for future chapters and with school starting back up again I rarely had time to do so.... but fingers crossed now the schedule will continue and I will post Monday's, Wednesday's and Friday's!

And how did you guys like the chapter? I know nothing really interesting but next chapter they are at the carnival which should be fun right?? And who else read "you got this" the same way Luke said to Julie in the beginning of Bright. Haha

Much love!

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