What the hell?

35 1 0

Ayumi's Pov

When they teleported away I fell to my knees.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up. Hawks. I gulped trying to hide my disgust. I must have kept my mask of sadness on because he didn't seem to notice.

He then quietly said,

"I know what it's like to lose someone you love to the villains. But you'll get through it I promise."

Were we really that obvious? Or maybe he meant it as in we were friends. Either way it was annoying as fuck. Especially after everything he's done. I don't know much about what he did to Dabi but I know that considering Dabi's behavior the breakup was probably recent and the relationship probably ended with a fight.

I took a deep breath and nodded my faced morphing into a calm mask as I stood up. He took his hand off my shoulder and I walked back to the class.

Izu still had a shocked face and was being comforted by Froppy and Shoto.

He was standing there. With his hands brought to his mouth. As I walked over a small broken sob escaped him. Probably knowing that he is part of what caused Miku to make this choice.

When I got to the group of the 19 other students in 2-A, I changed my face back to the mask of sadness I had had after they had teleported away. Pinky was the first to notice me and she said,

"Your a villain too aren't you?"

She said this loud enough that the whole group could hear her. I was taken aback by it to say the least. I hadn't expected anyone to accuse me of being a villain.

"N-no." I said purposely stuttering. I internally rolled my eyes as she said,

"Midoriya probably is to! He was really close with both of them."

Thats when he spoke up.

"I know Miku. I know she's really good at lying and keeping secrets. I know that she could have easily hidden this from Deku and Ayumi. I don't think either of them is a villain."

I can't believe he's that stupid. To not know his own sister well enough to know that she can't keep a secret from the people that she's closest with. But he's helped us. And for that I'm grateful. Although I guess in the hero's book, him having helped us makes him an even worse person.

But that's not my problem. It's his.

I walked over to Izu but I could feel stares following me. Not just from the members of 2-A but from some of the students in other classes.

When Shoto and Froppy saw me walking towards them they both had slightly skeptical looks on their faces. But as soon as I got close enough to them Izu walked over to me and hugged me. He wasn't crying but he seemed heartbroken.

It was very convincing even knowing that it was an act. When Froppy and Shoto saw Izu hug me they both seemed to brush off the thought that we could ever be villains.

Before Izu let go of me he whispered in my ear,

"Am I doing good?"

I let go of him and nodded. He was doing great.

The next day because I dunno what happens next on that day.

Izu and I were eating lunch by ourselves when a large group of students walked up to us.

This group consisted of the people from 2-A who had agreed with Pinky, around half of 2-B and a few random general studies students.

Their leader was Phantom Theif from 2-B because of course it was.

"Hi. Villains."

He said the last word with so much disdain it was almost funny. Then a general studies student spoke up.

"Shouldn't you be out with your friends murdering people like the heartless maniacs you are?"

I was taken aback by this. I hadn't been expected to be called something I wasn't.

"Yeah go hang out with Miku and the rest of the villains!"

I was getting annoyed, villain or not this would annoy anyone. So I snapped

"Look. You can think we're villains, what the fuck ever. But please, just leave us alone. Izu just lost his best friend and I just lost my girlfriend. And now we have to deal with you all calling us heartless maniacs. I don't care what you think of me but could you just shut the hell up about it?"

The whole group looked taken aback by this. But it was true. I could care less what they thought of me but I didn't want to hear them talk about it.

They all slowly went back to their seats seemingly defeated.

Izu gave a little laugh and we both went back to eating. It had been maybe 2 minutes when Chargebolt came over.

"Hey guys..." he trailed off. Right as I was about to speak up asking him why he was here, Izu spoke up saying,

"Here to accuse us of being villains like your friends did?"

I held back a laugh at this. Chargebolt didn't actually seem surprised.

"I know they did that. I came over to apologize. I cant believe Sero and Mina did that. Kirishima would have come over here as well except he didn't because of Bakugou."

Oh. So he's nicer than them I guess.
But then he asked a question that I hadn't expected, I thought he was only here to apologize, but I guess not.

"Would you guys mind if I sit here?"

I'm happy with how this chapter turned out. I can't wait for the next chapter because I know it's gonna be really fun to write. Also, you'll notice that all the hero students are being called by their hero names. That is completely purposeful and will be what the villains call all heroes by. Thanks for reading! -Alex

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