The trials

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Miku's Pov (for the first time a chapter is going to have 2 different Povs because otherwise this would be really short.)

I woke up in the schools nurses office. Which didn't surprise me. They would have just taken me to recovery girl and had her heal me. The wound shouldn't have been so deep that she couldn't heal me. What did surprise me, was that I seemed to be alone.

I propped myself up on my elbows and realized there was something on my face. I reached up to touch it and realized it was a bandage.

"You shouldn't mess with that. It might damage your face even more."

A little old lady who I recognized as the hero Recovery Girl walked in.

Wait, why is my face still damaged? I shouldn't have any lasting damage. If she healed me I should be fine. This is the first time I've had my face burned or anything like this.

So, I asked her.

"Why isn't my face healed?"

She looked at me, a look of both sympathy and disgust on her face. A look I had never thought I would see on someone's face.

"I don't use my quirk on villains." She said curtly turning away from me to grab some things from the counter behind her. She then walked out of the room. Muttering something about Eraserhead and his training methods.

I looked at the windows that were to my right. I don't know why I was being left alone, maybe because they thought I would wait until my face was better.

That was untrue though. I have a chance to escape and I'll take it.

Not through the windows though. Obviously. Doing that would he idiotical.

No, I'm going out through the door. A quick look around the room let me notice that there was a stack of uniforms, probably in case someone got their uniform dirty or ripped or something.

One of those would be my ticket out of here. I got up. Wincing as I moved my head. I looked up at the camera and it was on, but I don't think its going to call an alarm.

But also, if I was to not do that there also might not be a second chance for me to escape by myself.

And I don't know if the league will come to get me. Yes. Izu and Yumi are definitely going to want to break me out, but I know they both understand the risks and are smart enough to know when is a good time to try.

I grabbed a female uniform and put it on. Leaving my clothes on the bed. I then walked over to the counter again and grabbed 2 rubber bands from a small box of school supplies.

I used the rubber bands to put my hair into 2 small braids.

Now as long as I can get a student ID I should be able to safely get out of the building.

I looked out into the hallwaythrough the small window on the door, no one was around.

I opened the door and slipped into the hallway. I glanced at the cameras up on the walls. No alarm was set off so I guess they hadn't recognized me.

Or maybe the cameras still recognize me as a student instead of a villain.

Whatever. As long as no alarms are being set off I'm fine.

I walked through the hall. After a while I spotted a student walking towards me. I believe she's a 3-A student named Mawata Fuwa.

She was wearing her I.D in a lanyard around her neck, probably because the female uniforms don't have pockets.
I looked around and noticed that there was one camera around, so for the most part we were in a blind spot.

I waved to get her attention and readied myself to act.

She walked over and I put on a confused face.

"Do you need something?" She seemed slightly annoyed.

"I'm lost, could you help me?" She rolled her eyes and nodded. But before she could ask me where I wanted to go I had punched her in the face, she stood there shocked for a moment. Just enough time for me to pull her lanyard off her neck and run off.

The lanyard had surprisingly not broken, so I attached it around my neck. I had been walking for quite a while before coming across Fuwa and had gotten quite close to the doors.

I was able to walk out the doors and down the pathway towards the gates.

And, I got out. I began walking down the sidewalk. I wasn't out of hot water yet. But I had gotten out of the school.

???'s Pov

I don't know why I need to be here. The leaders of the group want me to get into this so called 'League of Villains' and become a spy, giving the leaders info and other shit that they want.

I don't want to be a spy though. I don't even know why I'm in this group of assasins. I'm 16 for fucks sake.

I've been here since I was Five. Five! I shouldn't have been in a group of assassins when I was 5. But yet here I am.

Maybe if I were to- I was snapped out of my thoughts by someone snapping their fingers in my face.

"Hey! You seemed like you were spacing out so I just wanted to tell you, Yumi's starting the questions soon. You might want to get ready."

She looked about my age and had her blonde hair in 2 buns on the sides of her head.

I nodded and they walked over to a girl with blue hair that reached to just below her shoulders.

They seemed to be the ones running this thing.

I heard yelling and looked at where it was coming from. 2 guys were fighting. One had tentacles instead of limbs and the other was spraying water from his palms.

The girl with the blue hair seemed to have noticed and she gestured at the blonde haired girl who had talked to me, to follow her. Maybe this was Yumi?

The two walked over to the guys and the person who I assumed was Yumi put her hands out. Like a puppeteer would to control their puppets.

Immediately the guys bodys stopped moving. Maybe Yumi's quirk was to control people like puppets.

She then tilted her head seemingly considering something, and then she said,

"Toga these 2 obviously aren't getting into the league. Let's not make them go through the trials."

The girl who I assumed was Toga smiled at this and pulled a knife out of a small green box on her leg.

She then turned towards the guy with tentacle limbs, held up the knife and stabbed him. Grinning all the while.

Even the assasins in our group couldn't stab someone while smiling.
What had the leaders put me into?

Its a late chapter. I didn't have motivation to write this chapter. The next chapter will hopefully be better. Thank you for reading,

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