Why me?

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???'s pov

The girl named Toga pulled the knife out of the guy's chest and wiped it off on her skirt. Leaving a blood stain.

The girl named Yumi then turned to the other guy. She was still holding one hand out and he was still completely still.

Yumi then quickly moved her middle finger over to touch her pointer finger and the guy's neck snapped.

He fell over dead and at this point everyone in the room was staring at what was happening.

Yumi and Toga then turned towards us. Toga was grinning like a maniac and Yumi had a completely straight face.

Then Yumi began speaking.

"Hi. My name is Ayumi. I am one of the 2 leaders of the League of villains. Which I'm assuming you're all here to join. If you are not please leave."

She paused waiting for people to leave.

So, her name was Ayumi. Maybe Yumi was a nickname.

2 people had left. Apparently they were just letting people leave right now if they wanted to.

Ayumi waited for about a minute more. Probably waiting to see if anyone else was going to leave.

She was staring out at the crowd with a straight face. It was kind of intimidating. She was just staring at us.

Eventually she nodded and said,

"So everyone who wants to has left. Good! Let's start. First things first is questioning. You'll all either make it through the questions, or you won't. There is no in-between. One person after the questioning round gets an immediate spot in the final round. Obviously the people who don't make it through the questioning won't be getting into the league."

People all around me nodded their heads. There were about 16 of us left.
I wonder how many will make it to the end.

Well, let's see.

People were called into a room that I hadn't noticed before. It seemed to have just appeared. But then again I don't usually notice details so it was probably just me not noticing.

I was the second to last person to be called. I walked in nervously and saw that it looked to be some sort of office.

Ayumi was sitting at a desk facing towards me. There was another chair at the desk which I guess I'm supposed to sit in.

So, I sat down. When I had walked in she had immediately looked up from the papers she had spread in front of her.

I could see that all the papers had pictures on them and most of them had things written on them as well. Probably stuff about the people. There were also quite a few with big red stamps on the paper.

Maybe those were the people who hadn't gotten through the first round.

She studied me for a minute before saying,

"Hi, Kojima Kameko right?"

I nodded. Not wanting to say anything until I had to.

She looked at her papers shuffling them around until she found the one she was looking for.

Probably my paper.

She then looked up at me and the questions started

"So, you're from the Fujimoto assassin group, correct?"

I nodded. She shouldn't know that but I'm not going to question it.

"And, you want to be here right?"

Why would she be asking me this? Did it seem like I didn't want to be here?

I nodded.

"Yeah. Of course I want to be here."

She looked skeptical but continued her questioning anyways.

It was kind of like a job interview. There were a bunch of questions about my experience with killing people and other villainy things.

Finally we got to what I was hoping was the final question.

"So, are you here to spy on us?"

She seemed kind of bored, maybe she didn't suspect anything. But I didn't want to spy. And maybe if I told her she would let me go.

"Yes. But I don't want to. Its just the leaders want me to and I have to listen to the leaders."

She looked up. A bit surprised. She nodded and wrote something down, then said,

"Okay. You can go and wait with everyone else."

Was she not going to let me go? What if they used me for ransom from the leaders? I would probably get killed if that happened. I'm not important enough for the leaders to spend money to get me back.

I walked out. Toga who had been skipping around the room noticed me and went over to the last person. Telling them that it was their turn.

I walked over to a wall and sat on the floor with my back to the wall.

After about 5 or 6 minutes the last person came out of the room.

Then after a minute Ayumi came out of the room as well.

She was holding a stack of papers. Probably the ones that were spread around the desk.

She looked at the first one. And then she began calling out names.

"Endo Akemi, passed through to the second round."

A guy who was on the other side of the room grinned and nodded.

"Takeuchi Chiasa. Failed. Please follow Toga."

Toga waved from a spot next to the door we had come in through.

A scared looking girl followed her through the door. Ayumi stopped calling names for a minute.

When Toga came back into the room she was splattered with blood. She nodded to Ayumi and Ayumi continued to call names.

Finally she got down to the last 2 people. Me and the person who had gone after me. It had been going in the order of when we had gotten called in. So I should be next.

"And now, the last person to have failed."

She paused for a second and my panic grew. I was next. Which meant I was the one who failed. Which meant that I was going to die. Like all the other people who had failed.

Then Ayumi continued.

"The last person who failed is, Matsui Ryo."

I began to stand up before realizing that my name wasn't the one that was said.

Toga led the person out and when she came back she was splattered with even more blood.

Then Ayumi looked at the last paper and said,

"And then this person is the one who doesn't have to deal with the second round. Kojima Kameko."

Why... Why me?

I don't have anything to say for an authors note today. Thank you for reading! -Alex

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