Both of you want to?

37 1 4

Ayumi's Pov

"Would you mind if I sit here?"

I looked at Izu who shrugged. So I nodded

"Sure as long as you aren't a jerk."

He walked back to where he had been sitting with his friends and he grabbed his food. Ignoring their questions he walked back over to our table.

He sat down across from Izu and I then began eating. After about a minute Izu asked the question that had been on my mind since he had asked to sit with us.


He glanced up at him confused.

"What do you mean why?"

"Why are you sitting here? Even if you believe we aren't villains, everyone else does and if you're going to sit here they'll probably think you're a villain too."

"So? Honestly the villains aren't wrong in some aspects of what they think."

I was taken aback by this. Most people didn't look further into our ideals than the fact that we kill people. So I asked,

"What do you mean?"


Before he could answer my question a  person holding a lunch tray came up to us.

He had a green Mohawk and things that looked like blades coming out of the front of his face. I believe his name was Kamakiri and his hero name was Jack Mantis. He was from class B

(Underrated character! Yes he is an actual character and not an oc. Look him up he's super cool)

"Would you mind if I sit here?"

He had a kind of arrogant manner but it didn't seem as bad as his manner.

I shrugged and nodded. I mean whatever, we already had a hero student sitting with us.

He sat down next to Chargebolt and immediately said,

"I'm sorry about my class."

Was everyone going to apologize today? I was tired of talking to people but I asked,


His arrogant demeanor slipped for a second and he looked kind of sheepish as he said,

"Most of them came over here with Monoma and they were jerks to you guys."

Wow. This guy actually seemed apologetic.


Izu said this giving a small smile.

Then Jack mantis looked up as though he was considering whether or not to say something. I guess he decided to say it though,

"Why were you guys talking about the villain's ideals?"

Chargebolt looked surprised, probably at the fact that he had heard us. Most of the league had good hearing due to our family's though so Izu and I weren't too surprised.

"Because some of their ideals aren't the worst."

Izu said this and I gave a small smile. But I quickly erased it from my face knowing that I probably shouldn't be smiling during this conversation.

We continued to talk and it seemed that Jack Mantis agreed with us.

Both Chargebolt and Jack Mantis were nice. Probably some of the only people being even slightly nice to Izu and I.

Timeskip brought to you by Dabi being an idiot.

"How did you actually deliver them all?"

Toga did her hand motion thingy and gave a big smile.


She had delivered a letter to every hero student's dorms.

2-A was doing Karaoke and even the people who hadn't been invited weren't in the dorms. Izu and I hadn't been invited but that worked out for us.

2-B was out doing extra training with their homeroom teacher.

We were standing in a blind spot.

"You guys should probably get out of here."

Izu reminded them. And he was right. As much as I'd love to be able to talk to them for longer we can't.

"Yeah you guys should probably get going. But, Dabi would you mind if I talk to you for a minute?"

He nodded and everyone slipped through a small hole in the wall around U.A. and Izu went back to the dorms. Then Dabi walked closer to me.

"What do you need?"

He was giving me a confused look.

"I heard what Hawks said to you while you were fighting."

His eyes widened and he bit his lip.

"You okay?"

He seemed a bit freaked out.

"I'm fine. What was it that you heard him say?"

"I believe I heard him say something along the lines of 'This is why I broke up with you' ."

"Don't tell the rest of the league please. If they knew I was dating a hero..."

He trailed off. Rolling my eyes I said,

"I don't think they would care. But I won't."

"I should probably get going."

I nodded and he left. Jogging to catch up with the rest of the league.

I walked back to the dorms and went to my room. Then as I sat down on my bed I texted Chargebolt. With a picture and a panicked sounding text about the letter. I said that I had gone out for a walk with Izu and we had come back to find these slipped under our doors.

Another timeskip because the next part is less boring

I sat up in a small loft above the door of the cafe. Miku and Shiggy were sitting at a table and Toga was in the back with the owner. Keeping a knife on his throat.

We were waiting for hero students. This cafe was where we had asked anyone who wanted to join to meet us. That was what the letters had been about.

I heard the door open and looked down. Leaning a bit over the railing of the loft.

My eyes widened when I saw the 2 people who walked in. Then my face morphed into a smile. These 2 would make amazing villains.

I apologize for the amount of time skips that have been in the past few chapters. I'm trying to keep it from being boring but at the same time not have many timeskips. But that isn't gonna happen. Anyways, thanks for reading!

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