My. Name. Is. Not. Eiko

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Ayumi's pov

I walked in when Miku said she was done saying
"Alright finally you slowpoke"
As I walked in I heard a chair scrape against the floor and someone stand up. Then I heard his voice.

"What are you doing here Eiko?"
I quickly lifted my gaze off the floor and saw him for the first time in 3 years. So many thoughts went through my head but the most prominent one was

'What did you think he wouldn't recognize you? With your girl body, longer hair and higher voice? No. Of course he noticed it was you. Not like you've changed much. Still look the same.'

Pushing the thoughts that had haunted me for years away, I said

"My name isn't Eiko." I said it with confidence like I was so sure. But honestly I was scared. I had known I might have to out myself at some point, but I didn't think that time would be my first day.

Tenya looked both annoyed and mad at my denial of the name.

"Your name is Eiko. Not some silly name you chose for yourself" I couldn't take it. I half yelled the words putting emphasis onto my dead name.

"My. Name. Is. Not. Eiko"

Tenya looked taken aback at my anger. I had never gotten angry at anyone in our family. Even when I had been made to leave I hadn't been mad just sad and really scared. As Tenya got ready to say something else and I got ready to defend myself a tired sounding voice came from the corner.

"Tenya misgendering someone as well as dead naming them is an expellable offense. I'd recommend that you stop before I expel you." It was Aizawa Sensei and when I looked at him he looked mad.

"Y-yes Sensei" Tenya said bowing and sitting back down.

"Thank you Sensei" I said bowing at what had gone from our teacher to a yellow caterpillar in a matter of seconds, and then turning back towards the direction I was walking and walked the 2 or 3 feet to the podium where I stood next to Miku.

"Hi my name is Ayumi. I don't really use my last name. I go by my first name no matter what. But because it explains what Tenya just said I'll state my last name." Realizing that when I had seen my brother I had began talking as though my parents were around and I would get scolded for taking without correct grammar and an advanced vocabulary.

Relaxing I smirked and said
"My last name is Iida."

I closed my eyes for a second getting ready for whatever was coming and when I opened them I saw that they were all gaping at me.

I rolled my eyes and said
"Now your probably wondering how you didn't know I exist considering the Iida's are a well-respected hero family. Well here's your answer."

I took a deep breath and said
"I was only a publicicized part of my family until I "got" my quirk." I put quotations around the word got.

A girl who I believe has introduced herself as Uraraka Ochaco looked confused and asked "what do you mean by putting quotations around the word got and also what do you mean by publicicized?"

I was ready for these questions as so I said,
"By "got I mean that I never got a quirk. I'm quirkless." Everyone except Izu was surprised. But I continued ignoring the stares of disbelief
"And by publicicized I mean that my parents had children because they wanted us to continue the family legacy. They weren't abusive but it was drilled into us as soon as we were old enough to understand that we were going to become hero's. When they were told I was quirkless they stopped caring as much about me thinking I couldn't be a hero without a quirk. Because of this I was never taken to hero dinners or events. And eventually everyone forgot that the Iida family had ever had 3 sons." I finished satisfied with my telling of the story.

Then a guy who had introduced himself as Kaminari Denki spoke up.
"Are you trans mtf?"
I let out a little chuckle surprised that someone had figured it out.

"Yeah. How'd you guess?" I asked looking at him

"Well Aizawa sensei scolded Iida for dead naming and misgendering you, also you said no one remembered that the Iida family had 3 sons instead of 2 sons and a daughter."

"Well your observant." I said laughing a bit
"Yes. I am transgender male to female. I have also technically transitioned fully." I said this line that I had practiced in front of a mirror countless times readying for the time when I would inevitably have to come out to this class but I was still scared of what might be said about me. Even if I didn't let it show. But as I tried to calm down Tenya spoke up.

"Wouldn't you need our parents permission to transition?" He said. I couldn't believe he was being civil about this and actually asking. But I guess he was scared of Aizawa sensei.

"I would usually but I don't actually need their permission for a quirk to be used on me." Before anyone could ask a question though Kaminari said,

"Okay before anyone asks about the quirk thing. Why wouldn't your parents let you transition?" He seemed genuinely confused.

So these people were the kind that worship hero's and believed they could do nothing wrong. Okay, I guess that should have been expected of hero students. Sighing I said

"They didn't accept me. The reason I don't use my last name is I was kicked out by my parents because I came out when I was 14."

Everyone looked so surprised.

"B-but their heros, aren't they?" A red haired guy who had introduced himself as Kirishima asked.

"Yeah they are." I said 
"But not all heroes are as great in real life as they are on screen."

"Yeah, that's true." A guy who had introduced himself as Todoroki and who I recognized as the hero endeavors son said in a monotone voice. Most of the class seemed surprised at him saying this but a few like Yaouyorozu and Izu didn't seem even slightly surprised. 

But they all seemed to brush it off and a girl who had introduced herself as Asui asked
"What did you mean by you transitioned using a quirk?"

 hoping this was the last question I would have to answer, I said 
"I have a friend who inherited her mother's quirk of gender bend. Her mother trained her quirk to be permanent and helped trans people to transition." I paused, took a breath and continued. "My friend's quirk only works for about a month at a time but she's training to make her quirk permanent."

Kaminari looked amazed and... hopeful? As he asked 
"A quirk like that really exists?"

I nodded giving a small smile. And then A girl who had introduced herself as Ashido asked 
"What are your guy's hero names?"

I'm tired and don't feel like making this any longer than it is. Thanks for reading! -Alex 

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