Time to expose you guys.

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Miku's Pov

We were sitting at the table waiting. Yumi was sitting up in the loft above the door. Peeking down.

After about 15 minutes Shiggy, who was sitting at the table with me, pointed. The door was frosted glass so we could only see that there were 2 people walking up to the door. Not who they were. They could be 2 pro heroes for all we knew.

When the door opened I was pleasantly surprised to see that it was ChargeBolt, better known as Kaminari. From 2-A and Jack Mantis, better known as Kamakiri. From 2-B.

Yumi and Izu had said something about these 2 being nice and sharing some of our ideals but I hadn't expected them to want to join us.

Yumi dropped down from the loft immediately using her new quirk to hold them in place. Holding her hands out as though she was controlling puppets, she moved them to sit down at the table next to the one Shiggy and I were sitting at.

Before anyone could say anything Toga came out of the back, her knife at an old man's throat.

"Guys? He won't stop- oh there's people here nevermind."

Yumi shook her head and said,

"No, it's fine they can't move right now. What do you need?"

The old man tried to get away from Toga and she dug her knife a bit into his neck. Which stopped him from moving. The she said,

"He keeps trying to escape like you just saw. He almost got to the phone one time."

Shiggy was the one who responded to this.

"Just kill him. He isn't important and he's just being a nuisance."

The old man's eyes widened at this statement and he tried to plead with us.

"Please I-"

But before he could get any more words out, Toga had stabbed his chest.

She went to the back, presumably leaving the body there and came back out.

Then Yumi gestured at the 2 hero students sitting.

Toga stood behind Chargebolt and put a different knife to his throat. Then Dabi walked down the stairs leading up to the loft and stood behind Jack Mantis. Quickly starting a small fire in the palm of his hand then extinguishing it. His threat had been made.

As soon as both Dabi and Toga were there, Yumi dropped her hands and Chargebolt and Jack Mantis's bodys relaxed.

"So, why do you 2 want to join the league?"

Shiggy got straight to the point. But the 2 who had come didn't want to.

Chargebolt said,

"Ayumi you're in the league?"

I rolled my eyes. They had really believed those 2 weren't villains.

"What does it look like?"

Yumi seemed very annoyed.

Chargebolt just nodded slightly.

"I'm here because I'm tired of my class."

Jack Mantis said this a bit arrogantly.

Yumi nodded.

"Whatever they're here. Why do they need reasons?"

Shiggy looked at her then looked back at the hero students in front of us and said,

"Fair enough. Who has the shock bracelets?"

"Uh Izu is getting them. He should be here soon."

I said this hoping Shiggy wouldn't get annoyed.

"He isn't here now? What if the heroes come?"

As he said this the door burst open, and Izu burst in holding a small plastic box.

"Sorry I'm late." He seemed tired and sweaty as though he had run here. Which wouldn't be surprising, I mean we're talking about Izu.

"Are those the shock bracelets?" Shiggy was pointing at the plastic box.

Izu nodded and handed it to Yumi who was closest to the door.

1 glance at Kaminari and Kamakiri told me they were both very surprised at Izu's appearance.

Yumi opened the box and pulled 2 metal bracelets out.

She then closed the box and walked over to the table where Kaminari and Kamakiri were sitting.

"Hold your non-dominant hand out."

Kaminari looked kind of confused.

"What do those do?"

"Uh Shiggy knows the most about what they do." Toga said this looking at Shiggy. She was right. Even I didn't know exactly what they did and I had been the one to control Izu's bracelet.

Shigaraki sighed and said,

"They track the wearer, block any trackers from working other than the other bracelets, will knock the wearer out when they go near a hero school or a hero office. And the person who has the remote that goes with it can knock them out."

Yumi then continued what he had been saying.

"They can also only be unlocked when all of the league has agreed that you're trustworthy. We all need to touch the sensor on the bracelet within a five minute period and it'll come off. Unless you break it there is no other way to get it off."

Kaminari and Kamakiri nodded. Neither of them seemed too happy with it but they both held out their left hand.

Yumi put the bracelets on them and then said,

"Who's taking the remotes?"

Dabi stepped back from Kamakiri's chair and said, pointing at Kamakiri

"I'll take the remote for him."

Yumi opened the plastic box and handed him the remote for Kamakiri's bracelet then took the other remote and slipped it into one of the pockets attached to her belt.

"I'm taking Kaminari's."

And then it was time for the fun part.

We were revealing all the traitors.

This was so hard to write. Not because of the storyline or anything, I just didn't have ideas for this. This chapter is taken from 3 ideas that I decided not to use and made into one chapter. But, I hope you liked it and thanks for reading!

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