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Ayumi's pov

Oh. Our hero names. I guess this had to come up. It is a class of heroes in training. 

Miku went first stating her hero name.
"My hero name is The grenade hero, Explosion girl." She said this grinning at the name that the 2 of us had come up with in 10 minutes between 2 missions on the day we had to come up with our hero names.

I took a deep breath and said,
"My hero name is Typical, The quirkless hero." I readied myself for the questions regarding my abnormal hero name. Hah. The irony of my hero name being the word typical but still being abnormal.

Asui was the one to ask about it. 
"Why is your hero name typical? Kero"

I gave a small smile and said
"My hero name is typical because maybe 100 years ago it was typical to not have a quirk. Now it's not typical to not have a quirk. So 100 years ago The fact that I don't have a quirk would have been typical. It's just a fun reference to when we didn't have quirks."

This seemed to be a weird thing to most of them as they seemed confused. But no one asked another question. I let out a breath relieved no one had another question for me.

Miku then said
"So what are we supposed to do now that Yumi and I are done with our introductions?"

Before anyone in the class could answer Aizawa Sensei spoke up from the corner making me wonder whether or not he had slept that whole time. 
"Its time for lunch and once you all get back you have a free day. You just have to stay in the classroom during class time."

Everyone seemed happy about this as they got up to go to lunch. Miku and I Drifted over to where Izu was and he looked up and gave us a smile.
"Hey guys. I still can't believe you're here." He was grinning now. 

I smiled his happiness infectious and as we began walking to the lunch room said,
"Yeah if it weren't for her brother and CC's retirement we might not have been here until next year." 

Miku laughed and then her face turned serious and she said 
"Yeah Izu what inspired you to get into a fight with my brother? Seriously what the fuck you know what he's done and you still got into a fight with him?"

Izu stared at the floor. He seemed regretful and I knew why. He quietly said,
"He instigated the fight and I couldn't really get out of it. And I know what he's done but I want to try and repair our relationship and at least still be friends."

Miku and I both looked at each other shocked. I then said,
"Izu I love you, but what the actual fuck? After what he did to you? You'd actually consider being friends with him?"

Izu looked sad and self-conscious. I knew Miku and I would both feel bad after this. We always did, but this had to happen. Izu had to stop ignoring that he could hurt himself even more with what he was trying to do.
Miku took a breath and then a look of realization dawned on her face and she said,
"Izu you still have a crush on him don't you?"

He looked up at her and began waving his hands seeming kind of panicky.
"N-no! No of course not..." he trailed off realizing we could tell he was lying

I gave a small smile and said,
"Izu, 1 you're really bad at lying. 2 you need to give up your feelings for him. I know you don't want to but he hurt you so much and he'll only hurt you more."

"I... yeah I still do but I know he doesn't so I just want to be friends and I don't think he'll hurt me more."
Izu was really set on this I guess. And both Miku and I know this isn't a good thing. He's going to get hurt. Whether he says he is or not. We both care for Izu so much that neither of us wants him to get hurt anymore than he already has.

Realizing that this could keep going forever I decided to stop it now. 
"Okay look we'll stop trying to get you to not do this Izu but please remember that we're here for you and you can come to us for anything."

He nodded, staring at the floor again.

We were at the lunchroom now and we walked in and grabbed food. Once we had our food we could see Uraraka waving to us from a table. Izu started walking over. 

As we got closer we could see that Asui, Todoroki, Uraraka, and... Tenya were sitting there. 
I paused as soon as I saw my brother as did Miku and Izu. 

Izu looked at me, his face questioning if I wanted to sit there.

I considered my choices. I could sit there and most likely get dead named or best case scenario ignored by my brother. Or I could say that no I didn't want to sit there and make it so Izu wouldn't sit with his friends. 

Honestly with another person I would have said that yes it was fine to sit there because I wouldn't want to make it so they didn't sit with their friends. But this was Izu and I know he isn't likely to be mad at me. So I shook my head. 

And he nodded and began walking to an empty table. I was relieved we didn't have to sit with Tenya. 

Uraraka looked confused as did Asui and Todoroki. But Asui seemed to realize and said something to the other 2. Uraraka wrinkled her nose. Whereas Todoroki had a look of understanding on his face.

Then Uraraka got up and began walking over to us. I glanced up at her but I just continued eating.

When she got to our table she stopped walking and stood there. We all looked up at her confused. 

"Deku why aren't you sitting with us?"
She said this as though she didn't know why. Izu seemed unsurprised when she called him Deku but me and Miku's eyes widened and we looked at her then at Izu.

Izu realizing what she had said immediately started to explain

"Guys don't freak out Deku is my hero name now and a nickname that Uraraka uses for me"

Miku and I looked at each other. Of course Izu would be the one to 'overcome' that name and use it for his hero name. But neither Miku nor I said anything, not wanting to start an argument with him.

Uraraka had rolled her eyes at our alarment. She then began talking again. 
"Well you're hanging out with Bakugou's sister. Who can't be that different from Bakugou. And..." She said and she gestured at me giving me a look of… was that pity?

Ahhh this was so hard to write. I love Uraraka but I wanted someone other than Iida to be mean to Miku and Ayumi. Thanks for reading! -Alex

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