Okay then, whats next?

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Ayumi's Pov

"So, you guys attack and Miku helps you. After she's revealed you leave and then we pretend to be really sad."

I pointed at myself and Izu as I said the last part. Izu and Miku nodded, the three of us having talked about it a few days ago.

It had been a month since the first day of school. Izu had joined the league after giving us his reasons for wanting to join.

I had run the trials and sadly no one had made it. But on the bright side Toga had gotten quite a bit of blood which would be helpful because we needed to be extra careful on food runs now. Which meant sending Toga out as a completely different person

"That sounds good. Are we trying to hurt anyone particularly or just a normal attack?"

Dabi was being more of a leader than Shiggy today I guess. Shiggy was playing some video game.

"Just a normal attack. Remember that we can't hurt Froppy or Shoto badly."

"Why is that again?" Compress had been out of the base doing something when Izu had chosen his 2 people so he wouldn't know. 

Miku explained that those were the 2 people Izu had chosen to protect. Which led us to the topic of who everyone had chosen to protect. Which then led to the topic of why Dabi wouldn't tell anyone who he was protecting.

"I said I'll tell you all when it's important. It probably won't be ever though. As I've said, all the people I'm protecting are Civilians. Not heroes. not other villains."

He seemed so annoyed. And considering the fact that I think I've figured out who his family is I can see why. If he told everyone he would have the chance to be shunned from the league because of the heroes in his family.

A week later.

"Can anyone tell me the answer to this question?"
Ectoplasm pointed at the question on the board. Yaouyorozu and, surprisingly, Kaminari's hands went up into the air. Just as Ectoplasm was about to call on one of them, the alarm went off.

The attack had started.

Wow. This is really short. I lost motivation this week and could not get myself to write. I'm going to be taking a break. The next chapter will be posted on the first Saturday of January. Thank you for reading and have a good day/night/whatever.

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