What the hell did you do to my face?

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Miku's Pov

I blinked my eyes open finding myself in a windowless room that looked like a classroom. Except of course for the fact that there was no furniture in the room. Including a chair for me. I had just been laid on the floor.

I mean at least I wasn't tied to a chair like in a movie or some badly written fanfiction.

I stood up and walked over to the door and tried the handle. Locked. Obviously.

I could melt the handle easily and get out, but I wanted to see what they wanted from me.

Probably want to know the leagues plans.

Whatever. I went back to the middle of the room and sat on the floor.

I sat on the floor humming a song and vibing for about 20 minutes before they finally noticed I was awake.

Eventually I heard the doorknob rattling as someone tried to unlock the door.

It took the person on the other side of the door about a minute to unlock the door. But then finally they unlocked the door and who should walk in but Eraserhead, and my brother.

Eraserhead activated his quirk and my brother locked the door. Fumbling with the keys and making me think that he was the one to unlock the door.

I rolled my eyes.

"You don't need to use your quirk. I'm not an idiot. If I were to attack you I would get sent to tartarus."

He nodded. I was right. But he didn't stop using his quirk. Probably a good idea.

I stood up ready to be questioned. And ready to not answer any of those questions.

Eraserhead stood back while my brother moved a bit closer to me.

"Bakugou you have 2 questions to ask her. Then you stand back and let me try and get answers about the league from her."

I rolled my eyes. Katsuki wanted to ask me about something?

He was staring at the floor about 20 steps away from me.

Then he looked up. I could see the hurt in his eyes.

"Miku... Why?"

Wow. Thats an awesome question that totally doesn't have billions of answers. I stood there for a minute. It's not a question thats particularly about the league, so if I were to answer the question I wouldn't be breaking any rules.

But I didn't want to answer it. And unless they were gonna torture me they couldn't make me.

So I stood there quietly.

Katsuki was breaking down. His face becoming more and more pained with each second. I couldn't believe that he cared so much about me that I was hurting him this much by not answering his question.

He stepped a bit closer to me.

"Miku, please answer."

He took a few more steps towards me and reached his hand out. Making me flinch.

I think the fact that I flinched scared him a bit and I saw his sweaty palm begin to spark.

I only got one step back before the explosion was set off.

I fell backwards. I had turned my head just as the explosion had hit me and so the right side of my face had been hit by most of the explosion.

I pushed myself up into a sitting position and I could see the room spinning around me. Eraserhead and my brother were both standing there in shock. The room smelled like caramel and burnt flesh.

I used my left hand to keep myself sitting up and slowly reached my right hand up towards my face.

As soon as I felt the burnt flesh that I could guess covered my right cheek I pulled my hand away. The last thing I saw before the world went black was Eraserhead pushing past Katsuki and coming towards me.

I know this is really short compared to how long chapters usually are but I'm tired. Also, I know that right after a cliffhanger probably isn't the best time to do this, but I'm gonna take a break for 1 or 2 weeks.  I know not many people read this but I'm sorry to those of you that do. Thanks for reading!

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