Part 15-Hunger and Thirst

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An explosion exploded making a large building get destroyed. That building was Coast Corp. Screams erupted from beyond the explosion.

All of sudden, Zoey sat up in her bed breathing heavily and sweat dripping all over her body. She looked around seeing that it was 2:36 in the morning.

As Zoey sat up in the bed, she spun around to take a step on the wooden floor feeling the coolness beneath her feet. A yawn snuck up on her while Zoey opened the door to her room.

Just then, another image popped into her head. An image of a guy holding a large gun. Bullets rang out in the small apartment with Zoey diving down behind the couch.

A man came forward holding up a large gun with the brand name of the gun on the side: Robert's Consumers.

"Really wish, Quinn was here. Of course she would be with Jax right now." Zoey muttered quietly moving on her arms trying to get to better cover. Another man came into the apartment with a couple pistols aimed forward.

"Mr. Roberts said to keep his daughter alive," said one of the men.

Zoey saw what was about to happen so she got over to the table grabbing her portable baton. As the men looked at her and aimed their guns, Zoey was already running at the men. She swung her baton hitting one while she kicked the other one back into a wall. The gun was raised right to her face while she ducked down before she hit the guy across the face knocking him out.

As Zoey breathed out, she glanced around before pressing her watch, "Finley, I could use your help."

Around 8:00 a.m.

Jax and Quinn were walking through the city going to a place that Jax sneaks off to all the time.

"I guess it's finally time for me to tell someone about this place," Jax stated moving his flowy black hair out of his face. Quinn crossed her arms annoyed.

"Why me? I'm literally the worst one to tell a secret to," replied Quinn.

" are the easiest to talk to," Jax told Quinn while he held open the door for Quinn. It was a small alleyway that was in between a cafe and a bookstore. The alley was gross and wet with mold up the walls.

Quinn walked down just as Jax passed by her brushing against Quinn gently. Jax struggled to walk through the alley until he got the back of a building.

"A brick wall?" Quinn asked, staring at the wall very confused. She looked at Jax who had a weird smile.

"Just be patient." Jax went over to the brick wall moving his hand across the surface of the wall. He pushed in a brick making the whole wall start to go into the ground. Revealing a staircase, Quinn started to walk in front of Jax staring down the long staircase.

"Okay, guess this peaks my interest!" Quinn urged before Jax motioned for Quinn to go down.


Logan saw Maeve standing on the patio of Coast Corp with Danny right beside her. He walked out of the building to join both of them.

"What are the two of you talking about?" Logan asked as he approached the two meta assassins.

"Well, the league needs a Rha's and most of them want Danny to lead them." Maeve told Logan, still looking at Danny. Logan could tell Danny was deep in thought when he finally broke his silence.

"My life is here, so no. I'm not going to become the Rha's," Danny stated. "But there is someone who can do it just as good as me, maybe even better."

"Who?" Maeve asked looking at Danny and then at Logan who was smiling now.

"You. Maeve." Danny said before he pulled out a phone. "Gotta go. See you both around, I guess." Danny walked off swiftly.

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