Part 7-Family Matters

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"If this is my last week on this earth, then I'm going to spend it with my family." Stella said as she looked around herself. She was standing in the park looking at Barbara, Xander, Kathy, Logan, Ella, and Hayden.

Barbara has her arm around her daughter before she stated, "Let's go then. Having a good day with you all will raise all of our spirits."

Logan smiled at Hayden before Ella stepped forward, "I know who would be a perfect person to celebrate her life with!"


Vivian was sitting in Coast Corp next to Finley, "Is it weird to see Logan's family being very close when neither of us are close with our families?"

"Kinda, I mean, my dad was a homophobic racist and my mother just let him say all these nasty things about me and sister. And I wasn't even gay."said Finley when he looked at her.

At that moment, the door swung open revealing Quinn and Zoey arguing as usual nowadays, "Did you even think before you do the things you do now?!" Zoey shouted while Quinn just ignored her and kept walking to the computers taking a seat.

"What did she do this time?" asked Vivian glaring at Quinn.

"She attacked one of Mrs. Unova's companies." Zoey said using finger quotes around the word 'companies'.

"Stopping drug disruption is a good thing! The reason you are so pressed is because I didn't have anybody backing me up!" Quinn yelled back at her best friend.

"Okay, take your bickering outside my lab!" Vivian shouted, making both the ladies turn and see Vivian's face, "This isn't a day that any of us want to deal with your awful team skills, Quinn! And Zoey, you are this perfect girl that apparently is even rich as well, but yet you are complaining about your parents! Stella is dying and there isn't a way to save her! And the both of you are arguing like you are five years old!"

Vivian turned around and slammed her hands onto the table angry. Finley was looking at Zoey who was speechless while Quinn just stared at Vivian.


Kathy was beside Stella as they walked on their own when Xander and Barbara started to cook the food for a barbecue, "So are you scared of dying? And leaving your son here alone?" Kathy questioned.

"Not scared of dying, I've faced tons of death in the short amount of time I've been alive. But my son will never have a mom or a dad." Stella replied as she turned to her redhead aunt.

"Your child will have all of us to take care of him." Kathy told Stella before adding, "But you can still figure out a way to save from the infection. Infections are dangerous, but all of them have cures of kinds."

"Not gonna talk about this right now. I love you Aunt Kathy, but keep your opinions to yourself." Stella stated while she started to walk towards the pavilion where her family is getting prepared for a feast.

Ella and Logan were out getting something when Stella was pulled into a hug from her father.

"Dad, what are you doing? I said no hugs." said Stella, pushing him away when she felt his sadness. "Dad, it's okay...I'm dying so that your grandson can survive."


"Ella, what are we looking for?" asked Logan while he looked around the not so great part of town. "This is a sketchy area. And you have designer clothing on."

"I mean I have you to protect me right?" Ella said as she opened a door to a building that used to be Coastal News, a small newspaper company.

"And why would the person that will make Stella's day be here?" Logan asked. He grabbed his phone using the flashlight when he started to look around the desks.

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