Part 9-Aftermath

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A Month Later

At the police department, Stella was working away in her new office. She was looking over the computer when Justin came into the office.

"Captain Santos, there was a break in at the Wesley Sanatorium. Someone broke out a person that was inside. The thing that is weird is the person is related to the Unova's." Justin explained while he showed Stella a picture of the lady who was broken out of the medical center.

Stella looked up and said, "Send a team to the Sanatorium, and you and me will go pay a visit to Hayley."


Olivia was getting a coffee from the coffee shop when she turned around seeing Finley and Logan coming into the shop. She smiled at them before she went over to them. Logan's face when he saw Oliva completely changed.

"Don't worry Logan, not staying for long. I came to clean out my mom's apartment. She had a lot of stuff and the fact that she is finally retiring and moving to Central City with me, it took some time." Olivia explained making Logan try to smile.

"Yeah, Stella has been working nonstop now that she was promoted again after your mom insisted she took the job as captain. And with her being a new mom, she has barely been around," Logan told Olivia while Finley turned around seeing the people the two were waiting on.

"Jillian and Whitney, you two made it." said Finley yelling from across the room when Whitney came over with her new friend.

"Ella has been missing for a month now and the police still haven't done much to help," Jillian, Ella's assistant, said before she looked at Logan.

"We will find her, I promise you." Logan replied when he turned to see Olivia watching the conversation.

"Maybe I could help, I know people who know people." Olivia stated as she came over. Finley just stared at her before she added, "Some of my connections still owe me, so I'll make a few calls." Olivia headed for the door while Logan went after her.

He reached for her hand pulling her back, "You obviously don't have to help if you don't want to get into any trouble."

"Logan, getting into trouble has always been one of my favorite things to do." Olivia replied smirking as she walked off.


Asher was sitting on his laptop going through different ideas for a new business he was trying to create. His band ended a few months back when Asher stopped touring with them. Now that he is out of the music business, he wants to find a new path for himself.

He doesn't have much experience in much. His father was a scientist who used to work for Coast Corp in the beginning of the science lab, but Asher isn't very smart in any scientific fields.

He heard a knock at his door while the person just came into his apartment, "Asher, Vivian and Zoey are doing something secretive right now so I need you to come with me because I definitely don't want to deal with Jax. Alone," Quinn said as she threw Asher a bandanna. "Use that to cover your face."

"Kinda in the middle of something, Quinn." Asher responded just as she started to take off her shirt.

"Turn around," Quinn said as she pulled out the Angel suit. "There is a meta we need to find, she was hired by Hayley a couple months back. And maybe I could find her in a place where metas and humans alike go to hide out."

"Why me though?" Asher asked.

"Because you were the only available person that would go with me," said Quinn while she put on the white mask.

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