Part 13-The Meta Palace

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"There he is!" Quinn shouted as she landed on the ground chasing after the Chameleon. He was going in and out of his invisibility.

Quinn was running as fast as she could when the man disappeared again, "Shoot! Lost him again!"

Just then, she looked up seeing Logan running on the rooftops.

"He must be heading towards the subway track to get away from you both." Vivian said over the comms. She was typing away on the computer vigorously trying to keep an eye on the man.

"Quinn, launch yourself into the air and catch the subway." She told Quinn who nodded before Quinn aimed her hands at the floor. As she did that, light beams lifted her into the air towards the subway.

Titan continued to run until he saw the subway coming right at him. He stared at the train before Logan saw Quinn fly over head.

The Chameleon came into view, smirking at Titan while he grabbed a hold of the subway that was passing right at this moment.

Quinn landed on the train with a smile on her face before she stated, "I'm on. I got this." Finley looked at Vivian who was staring at the screen quietly.

Titan stepped a couple steps backwards before he started to run for the edge of the roof he was on. Once he got to the edge, he launched himself into the air. The subway was almost passed, but Logan landed right at the tail end of the train.

"Yes...oh my god, I made it onto the subway," said Titan when he opened up a hatch and went inside.

The subway was barely full while Logan walked through the subway cars.

Quinn was on the opposite side of the subway when she went into another car. She saw an old lady waving and smiling at her so Quinn waved as she passed the older woman.

At that moment, Quinn felt a hand on her shoulder when she got thrown into the seat to the right. As she looked at the person, the Chameleon was standing there. She quickly kicked at him, but Jacob Sanchez grabbed her foot and twisted it.

Quinn tried to get up, but she was shoved against the subway car seat. When Jacob pulled out a knife putting it to the Hispanic woman's throat.

"Quinn! He is going to kill you!" Finley shouted the obvious when a person came out of nowhere grabbing the Chameleon and throwing him across the subway and into the wall.

"Thanks for the save." Quinn replied while she put her hand to her throat feeling the feeling of being choked.

Logan smiled and nodded at her, "Of course, Angel." Logan responded before he went over to Jacob Sanchez putting handcuffs around his wrists.


Danny was walking through Coastal Park. He had a trench coat on with one of his hands in the coat pocket. The other hand was holding a knife.

He had a smile on his face while he crossed paths with a black haired woman wearing a black dress. She was on the phone talking loudly, "So my son just won his first soccer game. He scored the winning goal!" She cheered over the phone.

While Danny approached her, he bumped into the lady making her drop the phone and look at Danny.

"Watch where you are going please?" The lady told Danny who bent down to the ground before he quickly clutched the knife and slit the woman's throat.

As the lady fell to the ground, Danny reached for the phone, "Tell Jericho that I am after him." Then Danny placed the phone beside the lady who was choking up blood.


"Now that you turned in Jacob Sanchez that means we can go after Abominable and the Sisters." Vivian said to Logan and Quinn while they walked into the lab.

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