Part 5-Ice, Ice, Baby

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1 week later

"Has Stella had anymore of those episodes?" Whitney asked Finley who was typing on the computer.

"One, but I got her through it. Have you figured out another way to get the infection out without killing Stella or the baby?" asked Finley turning to look at the blonde girl sitting next to him.

"Nope, not a clue. Easton and I have been running through different tests. Nothing has come up that could work." Whitney replied.

"Maybe we could work on something together, just the two of us, at dinner." Finley suggested quietly, looking at the ground.

"I'd love to, that sounds amazing actually." Whitney said standing up and grabbing her purse from the table.

"See you later." Finley waved goodbye as she left Coast Corp. Logan came into the lab smiling from ear to ear.

"Finley has a date, Finley has a date!" He teased as he sat down beside him.
Finley glared at him before he hit Logan on the shoulder making Logan yell, "Owww! Hahaha!"

"Don't forget I still haven't forgave you for leaving!" Finley shouted making Logan giggle because he sounded like a five year old.

"Okay, I'm sorry and I will make it up to both you and Vivian." Logan apologized for like the twentieth time.

All of a sudden, an alert came over the computer system making Finley and Logan turn to the computers seeing the flashing of red on the screen.

"What is it? Finley?!" Logan asked shocked. Finley started to type on the computer seeing that there was a meta with ice powers.

"Titan is needed on Second Street!" Finley told Logan as he ran for the exit after grabbing the Titan suit.


Vivian was exploring a lab in the middle of Coast city with Zoey when she heard the alert from her phone.

"Don't worry about it, Finley and Logan can handle it. We need to figure out a way to stop the infection from killing Stella." Vivian told Zoey while Zoey took out her laptop.

"An old friend of mine should be around here somewhere." Vivian said when she heard a few footsteps coming up behind her.

"Vivian, long time no see." said a female from behind Vivian and Zoey. When Vivian turned, she saw a shorter Hispanic woman with a dark complexion and small brown eyes.

"Isabelle!" Vivian yelled as she pulled in the shorter lady in the scientist lab coat. "How is the new and improved Venus Company holding up?"

"Greatly, my research for a cure of all types of cancers is almost done. Just need a few test subjects." Isabelle said when she saw Zoey turn and look at Vivian. "Do you have someone I can try and cure?"

"Possibly." Vivian muttered just as Isabelle smiled widely.


Jax saw Quinn running around the corner of a coffee shop he was sitting at so he got up and went after her.

Once she stopped for a second, he caught up to her tapping her on the shoulder. "How's it going? After last time I mean?" asked Jax.

"Fine, thanks for the save by the way." Quinn replied just when she took out her earphones. "You seem to be the only one who actually understands me."

"Yep, it's kinda my thing to understand," Jax said as he pushed his hair back from his eyes. "Did you get the alert of the meta attack?"

"Yeah, but Logan can handle it since he is back now. The golden hero of the city is back so why would I, the klutzy woman, be needed?" Quinn complained while Jax and her started to walk side by side.

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