Chapter 4. The Spring Ball.

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I put on my blue strapless dress and put in my  sapphire earrings. I brushed my long, brown hair and frowned. Since I was going with Malfoy I put extra effort in my appearance, but I still felt slightly terrified. I had only had three conversations with him in in my life. I still couldn't believe he had asked me to the Spring Ball and I feared I had actually made it up. What if I would enter the Great Hall and find him dancing with Pansy? I shivered. I applied red lipstick and sprayed Black Opium all over myself. I took a deep breath and left my dorm.


The Great Hall was decorated with flowers and yellow and light green drapes. I found Neville and Luna by a table full of pastries. "Keira! You look wonderful," Luna smiled.

"Thanks," I said, and blushed. "I like your birdcage," I said, and looked at the big hair ornament on Luna's head. "

Keira, Luna, this is Lewis," someone said. I turned around and saw Emma and a boy I had never seen before, probaby a fifth grader. So she had been asked by someone as well. I was very happy for her, since she wasn't very popular and could use some new contacts.

"Hello, Lewis," said Luna.

"Hi," I said absent-minded. Someone was approaching. Someone in a white suit, with neatly combed blonde hair. "Keira," he said.

"Draco," I said. I wasn't sure whether it was a good or a bad sign that he had used my first name.

Emma stared at him in disbelief. I smiled awkwardly at her. Luna did not seem to mind.

"Well well, I see even the pets were allowed to come," Draco said, looking at Luna's birdcage.

I wasn't sure whether it was an insult or an observation, so I suggested to get a drink before Draco's comments would become ruder.

After we had finished our cocktail, Draco asked: "May I have this dance?" He held out his hand, and I took it. He placed his other hand on my hip, I placed my other hand on his shoulder and smiled at him, though actually I was nervous. My hands were cold, but his were freezing.

"You are a good dancer," he said after a while.

"I've had ballet classes for years," I explained. I saw some Slytherins stare at us, something I quite enjoyed because it made me feel superior to them. Being this close to Draco was something I would have hated a few weeks ago, but now I absolutely enjoyed it. I tried hard not to faint on the spot.

"Draco- I just want you to know that, if I would have found you almost killing Potter instead of Potter killing you, I would have saved Potter," I said timidly.

"Of course you would," Draco said, looking deeply into my eyes. "And that makes you a wonderful person," he said.

I blushed. "Yes, Keira Tacendi, I called you a wonderful person. Compared to me you are an angel, at least. And what does that name even mean, Tacendi? It sounds like a spell. Imagine having a spell for a last name, 'come here, mister Imperio'!" Draco laughed at his own joke.

"It's Latin and it means something like 'keeping silent', but I don't believe it can be used as a spell. My family came from the Italian part of Switzerland, that's why I have a Latin name," I explained.

"Switzerland?" Draco asked curiously.

"Yeah, according to my dad we still have a family castle there," I laughed.

"I wish I had a castle in Switzerland," Draco sighed.

"Don't you have a big mansion in England?" I asked.

"Yes, but my parents live there as well," said Draco and he sighed. Suddenly he looked sad.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

Draco looked at me in surprise and abruptly said: "Nothing. I'm just going through a bit of a rough time." I wisely kept my mouth shut.

Draco stopped and asked: "Shall we have another drink?"

I agreed and walked towards a table where Crabbe and Goyle stood, because I thought Draco would want to talk to them, but he avoided that table and went to another. I followed him, grateful that I would not have to meet his friends. So far it surprised me how kind Draco was to me. I knew he was quite close with Pansy, so I asked him if she was feeling better already.

"No, and I don't care," he answered. Maybe he had had a row with her. I didn't ask any more questions. Draco emptied his glass and so did I. We had some foods, more drinks and then Draco said: "It's quite busy here."

"Well yes, it's the Spring Ball. Of course it's busy," I said, confused. He bent over me and I saw his pupils were dilated. There was a funny feeling in my stomach.

"What I mean is, there are too many Slytherin girls here. They are obviously jealous of you, so before they kill you, shall we go somewhere quiet?"

Of course I had seen some jealous girls, but not murderous ones. He obviously wanted to lead me away from the crowd. Excited as I was, I agreed. As he guided me to the exit, I waved to Emma and Lewis, who were sitting in the corner. Emma did not like dancing.

With his cold hand on my back, Draco guided me to a niche in the wall. "Alone at last," Draco whispered mysteriously.

The sound of the music was distorted through the thick wall and it made the moment even more unreal. Draco gently pushed me against the wall. "I know you want to," he whispered in my ear. I was excited and terrified at the same time. Draco lifted my chin. There was an elusive expression on his face. He grabbed my wrists and pressed my arms against the wall. He leaned forward and kissed me. Unlike his hands, his lips were pleasantly warm. I could hear his hart beat fast and I could smell his cologne. I parted my lips and soon felt his tongue on them. He tasted of alcohol.

The kiss completely made me forget my surroundings. All I felt were Draco's lips and his body pressed against mine. I loved the way he squeezed my wrists. When he let go we were both out of breath. Draco looked down on me and gave me a final, brief but passionate kiss. He straightened his back, let go of me and disappeared into the dark corridor. I was trembling.

I walked back to the Great Hall. I couldn't find Draco, but it didn't matter. I was dazy and euphoric. I joined Emma and Lewis and quietly enjoyed the rest of the night, thinking back of what had happened. I could no longer deny it: I loved Draco Malfoy.

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