Chapter 5. Arithmancy on a burgundy couch.

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I was confused after the Spring Ball. It's not that I hadn't enjoyed it, because I had, it was just unbelievable that a popular boy like Draco had shown interest in me. Of course the thought had crossed my mind that he was just looking for a friend with benefits, but that didn't stop me from liking him. There was something about him that made me feel sorry for him, being a Death Eater's child and all.


I usually sat with Padma in Arithmancy classes, but we weren't really friends so for a change I joined Draco, who always sat alone.

"Are you all alone, here?" I asked.

Draco looked up as I sat down on the chair next to him. "Surely you didn't think Crabbe or Goyle would be intelligent enough for advanced Arithmancy? Not to mention Pansy," Draco mocked. "But of course Granger had to be in this class."

"You really hate her, don't you?" I asked.

Draco looked at Hermione, who sat in the front. "Nobody can outsmart me, except her. And she is Muggle-born! I can't stand it!" Draco said irritated.

"She is very smart, but if you would have been a Ravenclaw I doubt you would be the cleverest of your house," I said. Sometimes I cursed myself for my honesty.

Draco glanced at me and said: "Sometimes I wish I was a Ravenclaw. Slytherins are smart, but we never have deep conversations. I tried having meaningful conversations with Pansy, but she just wanted to discuss the different methods of humiliating Harry Potter."

Padma entered the classroom and she looked surprised when she saw me next to Draco. I nodded at her and she joined some Gryffindors. Professor Vector cleared her throat and started the lesson. She explained a few things about numerology and how to place the numbers of someone's birthday in a scheme.

"I want you all to sit in pairs and place the birthday of your partner in the scheme. Use your book to discover the meaning of the numbers. I want every pair to hand in an essay about this next week," professor Vector said.

"So what's your birthday?" I asked Draco.

"The fifth of June, 1980," he replied. "What's yours?" he asked.

"The 27th of March, 1980," I said. We wrote down the dates and drew three triangles around it. I calculated the different numbers and filled them in in the scheme. Draco did the same for me. I opened my book, Advanced Arithmancic Practice, to look for any deeper meanings of 11/2, when the hour was almost over.

"Shall we finish this this afternoon?" I asked.

"Sure, and I know just the place. Meet me at the entrance of the Great Hall at 4 o' clock, alright?" Draco said. We packed our bags and left the classroom together. Draco waved at me briefly, which I thought was adorable.


At 4 o' clock I walked to the Great Hall. By the entrance stood Draco, Crabbe and Goyle. "You can go now," Draco commanded Crabbe and Goyle. "Follow me," Draco said, and he grinned. 

As we walked through the castle, Draco sometimes said "left", "right" or "go up the stairs" as if he was some army general. I kind of liked that, it suited him.

Finally we stopped in front of a wall. A door started to form in it. "The room of requirement," said Draco proudly.

"The library isn't good enough for you?" I asked. Draco held the door open and I entered the Room of Requirement. There were trinkets and pieces of old furniture everywhere, all covered in dust.

"I believe there is a nice couch overthere," Draco muttered and pointed to the left.

"Do you come here often? You seem to know it by heart," I remarked.

"Oh, I- I come here occasionally," Draco said vaguely.

He was right though: there was a large, burgundy Chesterfield couch in the left corner, where we sat down. "Time to find out all your darkest secrets!" I laughed and took my Arithmancy book out of my bag.

Draco looked concerned and said: "I don't think that's a good idea..."

"I meant your numerology scheme," I said, but Draco uncomfortably fidgeted with his silver cufflinks.

"Here it says your life lesson is a 2, meaning you should learn to trust your feelings and cooperation is essential," I remarked.

"Your life lesson is a three, meaning..." Draco browsed through the book and read aloud: "You are engaged and emotional, but you should learn to stand up for yourself and express yourself."

"I'm pretty sure I can stand up for myself," I said.

"Maybe this is more relatable. You have a three-spirit, which means you are optimistic, you see life as a game, you rarely worry, you're social, humorous and young at heart."

I nodded thoughtfully. "That's very accurate," I answered.

"According to this chart it must be a lot of fun being you," Draco sighed.

"Well, let's see what your spirit is like," I said. I hoped it would say something positive, since Draco seemed to be a bit jealous of my optimistic spirit. "It's a six, which means you are harmonious, you aim for perfection, you're bossy (I thought of his army general beaviour and smirked) and understanding," I read aloud.

"I suppose that describes me well, though I wouldn't call myself understanding," Draco replied.

"I bet you are, deep down," I reassured him. He smiled and moved closer to me. "Does it say anything specific about my future?" he asked.

I examined the scheme. "A five... You will pursue adventure and freedom, you can adapt well and you have a unique vision...," I said.

"That's promising, freedom...," Draco remarked. He stared dreamily into the distance.

"Wait, this nine here means you are not good at connecting and expressing your feelings," I remarked.

"Oh, that's- nothing new," Draco answered. He looked at my chart and said: "Here it says you don't know when to stop, you're dominant (he looked at me puzzled and I shrugged) and this six means you sometimes can't control your anger."

"Now we know everyhting about each other," I said.

"I bet there's more to you than numbers," Draco replied. He pushed aside the papers and book on his lap and touched my cheek. His hand was cold and I shivered. In his grey blue eyes I saw excitement, curiosity, but also pain. His face came closer to mine and I closed my eyes. He pushed me deeper into the couch and kissed me. Again.

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