Chapter 9. They're Coming.

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It had been a few days since the night of Slughorn's party. I hadn't really spoken to Draco. I had spent my Arithmancy lesson next to Padma again. I knew I wouldn't be able to keep this up much longer, though. Despite my disappointment and my loathing of his new position, I couldn't stop loving him. There was a certain magnetism to him. Besides, I couldn't deny he had been remarkably kind to me.

"Keira, I thought you'd understand..."


I was on my way to Charms. It was crowded in the corridor. Suddenly, someone roughly bumped into me. The person slipped something between my skirt and my tucked-in shirt. I looked up and saw it was Draco. "Sorry," he mumbled, and continued. I looked down at my skirt and saw a piece of paper sticking out from it's waistband. It was a note, hastily written in green ink. I took it and read:

They're coming tonight. Leave your common room under no circumstances. Don't come looking for me. I had to warn you, because I care about you. Don't tell your friends. If they find out I told you this, I'll be in even worse danger than I already was.


I shivered. What could this mean? Why couldn't I tell my friends? Was Draco in danger? I couldn't focus during Charms. Luna noticed something was wrong, but I couldn't tell her. Whoever was coming tonight, I should somehow keep Luna and Emma safe. If I couldn't tell them something dangerous was coming, I should come up with an excuse to keep them in the common room.

During lunch break I insisted on a little gathering in the Ravenclaw common room tonight. "But it's only Thursday," Emma said.

"I've still got some chocolates from Honeydukes," I said happily. I knew I'd be able to convince Emma with that.

Indeed, she smiled and said: "In that case I'll definitely be there!"

"Yeah, why wouldn't we be allowed to have a little party on a Thursday?" Luna added. "It'll be a lot of fun!"

I was happy they were willing to come. Judging from Draco's note this could very well be my last day alive and I'd rather spend it merrily than in agony.


After dinner Luna, Emma and I went to the Ravenclaw common room. They sat down on a couch while I went to my dorm to fetch the chocolates, my copies of Unfogging the Future and Advanced Arithmancic Practice and some parchment and quills. Maybe some fortune telling and numerology would calm me down and prove the entire situation wasn't as threatening as I thought.

"Oohh!" Emma cried out when she saw the books. "Are you finally going to predict my future?"

"Okay, would you like me to take a look at your tea leaves?" I asked.

"But I don't have tea," Emma said, looking disappointed.

"Don't worry, I'll make tea," Luna said. 

After Emma had emptied her cup, she gave it to me and I said: "Alright, Emma Joan Brabbs, now I'll predict your future based on tealeaves!" I waved with my hands over the cup for a dramatic effect. I took a look at it and saw a shape that looked a bit like a club. I opened my book and gasped: it meant an attack. "This is not good," I whispered.

"What does it mean?" Emma asked.

"It indicates an attack," I answered.

"Can you see anything else?" Luna asked.

"Er- this looks like a bunny. You're... going to have a good time with family," I read aloud.

"That makes sense. The holidays  start next week," Emma said, slightly relieved.

"Let's continue with Arithmancy. I bet today's date will tell us something interesting," I said. I was trying hard to bring some good news, and I hoped today's date was positive indeed. I took a piece of parchment and wrote down the date: the thirtieth of june, 1997. Altogether that made 8. "Today is a rough day. A good day for hard work!" I laughed. Not because it was funny, but to hide my worry.

"It's a pity I didn't go to the library today, then. I could have studied well," Luna sighed. "Though the stroll I made instead was really nice as well," she added.

I grabbed a chocolate cauldron and tried to keep my face straight. I was really concerned now. "Who wants a cauldron cake?" I asked, to lead the attention away from the worrying answers the tea leaves and numerology had given us.

"Me!" Emma and Luna said. I handed them the cakes and noticed Padma had come from her dorm. She was walking towards the door. "Padma, where are you going?" I asked casually.

"The Gryffindor common room," Padma replied. I looked out of the window, as if I could see if it was safe outside.

"Would you like a cauldron cake?" I asked.

"Yes please, thank you," said Padma, and I gave her one.

"It's none of my business of course, but it's a bit late to see the Gryffindors now, don't you think?" I asked innocently.

Padma sighed and answered: "Maybe you're right. I'm going to bed. Goodnight."

"Goodnight," we said.

After Padma had left, Emma said: "That was really hypocritical to say. She can't go to the Gryffindor common room but I'm just sitting here without a care in the world?"

"Maybe we should all go to sleep," Luna suggested. I poured more tea and handed out more cauldron cakes and said: "Finish your tea first. The night is young!"

"I'm a bit sleepy, though," said Emma and she yawned.

I quietly ate my cauldron cake, trying to focus on nothing but the cake's flavour. After we had all finished our tea, Emma announced: "I'll be off then."

"Wait! Luna and I will come with you!" I said hastily. She shouldn't walk through the castle on her own.

The three of us had almost reached the Hufflepuff common room, when there were loud noises. It sounded like screams. "What's that?" Luna asked.

"Let's find out. Maybe someone needs help," Emma said. Before I could stop her, she ran to where the sounds seemed to be coming from. Luna and I took out our wands and followed her.

It sounded as if the screams were coming from multiple people. Some were happy, others were angry. I was afraid someone had hurt Draco, and even though he had said I shouldn't go looking for him, I couldn't help it. When the voices sounded really close, I grabbed Emma by her shoulder and prevented her from walking around the corner.

We hid behind a pillar and the people who had made the noises came around the corner. In front of them was a woman with a mad expression on her face. There were a few others, all in dark clothes. They were Death Eaters. Behind the group of strangers I saw professor Snape with Draco. My heart skipped a beat. Draco was almost in tears and looked terrified. "Dumbledore is dead! Dumbledore is dead!" warbled the woman. Emma, Luna and I looked at each other in fear.

After the group had disappeared around the corner, we came out of our hiding spot. "What should we do?" Emma asked.

"Warn the teachers," I said. Quick footsteps echoed down the hall. We hid behind the pillar again, but when I saw it was Harry Potter, I shouted: "Harry, what happened?"

Harry looked at us, his eyes wide with terror, and panted: "They... killed Dumbledore. It was Snape... All this time..."

"Why was Draco with them?" I asked. I didn't care about his Snape-theories, Draco's part in all this was what concerned me.

"He... was supposed to do it, but... he couldn't. It was Snape!"

A sudden rage filled me. Harry continued and I decided to go after him. "Where are you going?" Emma called.

"I've been friends with a murderer! I'm going after Draco!" I followed Harry around the corner, the urge to hurt Malfoy growing stronger with every step.

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