Chapter 24. Uproar in the Drawing Room.

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"What are you doing with our prisoners?" Lucius Malfoy asked me, looking rather grumpy.

"Well, I'm going to take Loony back to Hogwarts, because she used to do my Astronomy homework. I was going to ask for your permission, of course, but there's this essay I have to hand in tomorrow-" I stammered. Was that the best excuse I could come up with? I tried to face the impressive man in front of me as casually as possible, though my heart was in my throat.

"But why take the old man?" Lucius asked, not understanding.

"Which old man?" I asked, looking around, pretending not to have seen Ollivander. "Oh, him. He must've sneaked out of the dungeons when I wasn't looking."

"Go back to the dungeons, before I warn the Dark Lord!" Lucius threatened Ollivander. It saddened me to see him return to the dungeons, because a kindhearted man who had meant so much to the Wizarding World did not deserve such disrespect, but helping him would blow my already fragile cover.

Lucius looked at us questionably. "If she's so important to your school results, which I had hoped you had mainly accomplished on your own, I think you can take her."

"Thank you!" I said, a little too excitedly.

"But, Draco, let me discuss with Bellatrix first," Lucius continued.

No, not Bellatrix! Of all people, not Bellatrix! Oh God, this was a stupid plan!

After Ollivander had been locked up again, Lucius led the rest of us to a study on the second floor. We sat down in large, leather armchairs while Lucius was searching for Bellatrix.

It had started raining, making it hard to look out of the window. There were some documents on the desk, but I could hardly read them upside down. Above the desk was a huge painting of Abraxas Malfoy, looking down on us sternly. I wondered if he could see through my disguise.

"Draco!" a high-pitched voice broke the silence. Bellatrix and Lucius entered the study.

"Why aren't you at school, you naughty boy?" she warbled.

I smiled awkwardly.

"Oh- and Pansy is here too. How cute of you to bring your girlfriend."

"She isn't my girlfriend, just a close friend," I sighed. I bet Draco had to say that quite often.

Bellatrix grinned. "So, you want to take the filthy blood traitor to do your homework? Go ahead, take her. Make her work hard!"

I smirked. "I'll make her do Pansy's homework, too. Right, Pansy?"

"Pansy" put a fake smile on her face and nodded.

"Right, we'll be off then," I announced. I nervously played with my cufflinks as I stood up and waited for any sign of permission.

"I'll guide you to the fireplace in the drawing room," Lucius said.

"No father, I can manage," I said quickly, and marched to the door. Emma and Luna followed. I nearly bumped into Narcissa, who came rushing into the study.

"Lucius! Some snatchers have presumably caught Harry Potter! You must all come downstairs at once!" she panted. "Yes, you too, Draco," she told me.

We all followed Narcissa downstairs to the drawing room, where not just a boy with a swollen face but also Ron and Hermione were being held at wandpoint by two grubby-looking snatchers. I understood why they thought it was Harry, his eyes and hair colour were the same, but I couldn't be certain.

"Is that... Potter?" Lucius asked, slightly revolted. The boy with the swollen face did look quite repelling indeed.

"His friends don't talk," one of the snatchers remarked.

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