Chapter 6. Potion Smuggler.

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Luna and I entered the Potions classroom and chose a table in the back. Harry, Ron and Hermione took the table in front of us.

Professor Slughorn welcomed everyone and announced the course of the lesson. We were going to brew a sleeping potion, Autika Katheude, of which a few drops would make someone  fall asleep instantly. "However," Slughorn warned, "The Greek spotted valerian used in the potion can cause troubled dreams in case the person using it is worried."

Luna and I set up our cauldrons and started cutting the ingredients. Because Potter stood in front of us, I decided to ask him what had happened between him and Draco.

"Harry, can I ask you something?" I said.

Harry turned around and said: "Sure."

"That day when I found you and Malfoy in the bathroom, you had severely injured Malfoy. Why were you fighting?"

Harry sighed and said: "I suspected him of something. Something bad. I lost my temper and used a dangerous spell on him." I wondered what he suspected Draco of, but I decided not to ask. Draco should tell me himself, I did not want to hear it from others.

"Snape gave me detention for the rest of the year," Harry continued.

"Poor you, but I can't blame him. You did almost kill him," I said logy.

When the potion was finished, I took a small, empty perfume bottle that I always brought to Potions in case we made a useful potion. I always managed to sneak it out of class, even though it's actually illegal. I never took dangerous potions, however. First of all because I didn't need them, second, because I did not want to be tempted to use them and lastly to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands. If someone wanted a potion to let someone hurt themselves  or turn someone into a toad they should smuggle it out of the class themselves and not steal it from me.

This potion seemed useful, though. I sometimes struggled from insomnia and therefore a sleeping potion was something that really appealed to me. I didn't worry about the side effect of troubled dreams, since I rarely worried about anything. I discreetly poured some of the Autika Katheude in the bottle and threw it in my bag. Luna hadn't even noticed. Her potion wasn't finished yet, so I helped her out.

"The vapor makes me sleepy," giggled Luna.

Professor Slughorn approached and looked at my potion. "The fume is good, so is the colour. Excellent, miss Tacendi!" he said. "By the way, Friday night I'm throwing a little party for my promising pupils. I'd like to invite you, Tacendi. And bring a friend."

"I'd love to come, professor," I answered.

Slughorn turned to Harry, Ron and Hermione. "Potter, Granger, you are also invited."

"Ron, I'll bring you, so you won't feel left behind," said Hermione to Ron. Ron smiled thankfully.

"Luna, would you like to go to the party with me?" Harry asked.

"Sure," said Luna gleefully. "Or did you want to ask me?" she asked me.

"Oh, I think I know someone else to go with," I said. Draco would love a fancy party for "promising pupils".

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