Chapter 16. Alchemy and Bedazzled Rabbits.

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Autumn had made room for winter. All around the school the trees had lost their leaves and the temperatures in the unheated corridors had dropped to around the freezing point. Jumpers had replaced spencers, and in the evenings everyone sat by the fireplace in the common room.

When I was not studying with Emma and Luna in the library I could be found in the Room of Requirement with Draco. He preferred the privacy of this hidden room over the openness of the library. Draco had decorated it entirely to meet our needs. He had even found an old pine desk in the stacks of old trash, which we used to study at now.

It was a cold Saturday and Draco and I were sitting in the Room of Requirement. I was stressing over Potions, but Draco was reading an unfamiliar book. I tried to read what it said, but Draco just flipped the page.

"What are you reading?" I asked.

"This? This is Alchemy," he responded. I looked at him puzzled. Draco smiled and explained: "It's like Transfigurations, with a dash of Potions. It is about transforming elements into other substances. I'd like to make gold one day." He dreamily stared at the book at that thought.

I didn't quite see the point in doing so. Draco was so wealthy he didn't need any more gold. Although, a Malfoy would probably never consider their fortune "enough". They had a point, though.

"Why would you want to make gold? You are gold," I said.

Draco blushed slightly. "I've quit helping in Carrow's detention afternoons by the way," he suddenly said.

"Good. Was Professor Carrow disappointed in you?" I asked.

Draco snorted. "He said it was a missed opportunity, but that it was up to me." He picked up the book again, however, he put it down again and said: "Do you remember that numerology reading you did for me? You said I would pursue freedom. If that's what I have to do, then why did I shatter my future by getting this?!" He rolled up his left sleeve to reveal his Dark Mark. "This is the opposite of freedom. I'll be linked to him forever!" he continued.

I gently took his wrist and looked at the mark. "I've tried to rub it off," Draco smiled wryly.

"In vain, I see," I said.

Draco took a deep breath and started: "You're probably not going to like this, but when I had just gotten the Mark, I was proud of it. I wanted to be like my father. I thought getting the Mark would grant me a great future, like his. The other Death Eaters praised me for beating up mudbloods, but when I was entrusted with the murder of Dumbledore, everything came really close. I got scared and the other Death Eaters called me a coward, but I wanted to finish the job. I had little choice, anyways. The Dark Lord threatened to kill us all if I didn't do it."

I looked into his eyes. For years I hadn't even realized this boy had feelings too. Let alone such complicated ones. His situation was wretched, to say the least. "What if people will hate me for it? It surprises me you still talk to me," Draco said, pointing at the mark.

"Don't care for other people's opinions. They don't know the full story. And doesn't your circle consist of high-society Purebloods only, anyways? Half of them are probably Death Eaters themselves," I replied.

"You're not wrong," Draco laughed.

"And you could always put concealer on it," I said.

"Concealer?" Draco asked.

"Nevermind," I smiled.

When we were about to go back to our Common Rooms, Draco grabbed my wrist and excitedly said: "On Friday Slytherin is hosting a party. Wear something fancy, you don't want to be underdressed. And your friends are also invited!"

"Even Hufflepuffs?" I asked suspiciously.

"Of course, this isn't the Slug Club," Draco responded. "But I am glad you don't have friends in Gryffindor," he added archly.


"Girls, we've been invited to a Slytherin party," I announced during dinner.

Luna smiled and said: "I've never been invited to a Slytherin party, how exciting."

"Aren't Slytherin parties like... Really wild?" Emma asked, slightly concerned. Emma wasn't a party animal.

"I've heard they're unforgettable in many ways," I smiled.

"I'm not sure if I want to go..." Emma said softly.

I wasn't going without her, so I tried to convince her: "This is our last year at Hogwarts. Are you going to miss this opportunity to have some fun? Fine, if you want to spend this entire year in gloom, be my guest."

"But they're Slytherins and I'm, you know..," Emma mumbled.

"I'll see to it personally that anyone who calls you a mudblood gets beaten up by Draco," I said.

"But what if Draco calls me a mudblood?" Emma asked.

"Then I'll beat up Draco," I said resolutely. That seemed to convince Emma, but to make sure she would really come, I added: "And can you imagine the snacks and drinks? I wouldn't miss it for the world!" Emma tilted her head in admission.

"What's the dress code?" Luna asked eagerly.

"Draco told me to wear something fancy. I think along the lines of 'rich Pureblood luxury'," I replied.

"How monotonous. Surely I can spice things up with cute accessories?" Luna asked. She wasn't known for dressing casually, after all. 

"I'm sure a bedazzled rabbit in your hair will be considered Pureblood luxury," I smiled.

"But since it is a Slytherin party, perhaps a snake would be more fitting?" Emma asked. Luna's eyes glistened at all these creative ideas.

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