Chapter 21. Interpretation is Everything.

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A few days had passed and no one had heard anything of Luna. Emma had written a letter to Luna's father, Xenophilius, to ask about her whereabouts. She had not yet received a reply.

Lonely and rather upset I sat at a table in the Divination classroom. I was browsing through my book when I involuntarily reached the page regarding crystal ball sightings. A certain description caught my eye: that of the wolf. It meant loneliness. There was a warning underneath it: not be messed up with the Grim, which was a dog and not a wolf. What if I had seen a wolf instead of a dog?

It had been a large dog-like shape, but I had not been certain. It could have just as well been a wolf. Loneliness. I was rather lonely without Luna. But Luna's falcon? That had definitely meant a deadly enemy. But if I had not seen the Grim, Luna had to be alive!

After Divination I rushed to Charms. I joined Emma and told her of my discovery. "But that deadly enemy... I don't want to insinuate that his family has anything to do with it, but would Malfoy know anything about her whereabouts?" Emma asked shyly. She still struggled a little with the fact that I was dating Draco, although dhe didn't like to admit it.

I hadn't thought of that yet, but replied: "Possibly. I'll ask him as soon as I see him."

Professor Flitwick noticed us discussing something and he came over to cautiously ask: "Have you heard anything of Luna? She hasn't returned after the holidays?"

"I've sent her father a letter, but he hasn't replied. Personally, I think she's in danger," said Emma.

"Oh dear, well, if there's anything I can do to help, let me know," replied Professor Flitwick.


After dinner I waited for Draco, who was accompanied by Crabbe and Goyle. When they had reached the door, I walked up to him and asked: "Can I talk to you?"

Draco seemed a little nervous, but agreed. Draco commanded his pals to leave and we walked down the corridor for a little more privacy.

"I'm afraid Luna is in danger," I came straight to the point.

"Oh." Draco slowed his pace and looked around.

"Do you have any idea what could have happened to her?" I asked.

"What do I have to do with this?" Draco asked superciliously.

"Technically she's your enemy. Her father doesn't exactly write nice things about your little club."

"Look, I really can't help you," he said curtly, but I knew he was hiding something.

"Draco, she may be a "blood traitor", but she's my best friend. If anything happens to her..."

Draco took my hand and pulled me into a classroom. He shut the door and took my face in his hands.

"There was nothing I could do. I didn't give them her name. It was her father's fault."

I frowned. "So you do know what I'm talking about."

"If her father wouldn't have upset the Dark Lord with his silly magazine, his daughter would be at Hogwarts now instead of our dungeons."

"Your dungeons? She's in your house?" I asked. "She's alive?" I added hopefully.

"Yes, yes, don't worry," Draco said and he rolled his eyes.

"But is she safe?" I asked.

"Well, she's in a house crowded with Death Eaters who can use her to pressure her father to stop writing rubbish about the Dark Lord."

"And if he doesn't?" I asked timorously.

"I don't know. They might torture her?" Draco looked as if he only just realized what that meant. Ashamed, he avoided my gaze.

At least she was alive, but to keep it that way she had to get out of the Manor. My thoughts were running wild with possible solutions, but most of them seemed unrealizable.

"can't you get her out of there?" I asked. I took his hand and looked at him expectantly.

"It's not that simple," sighed Draco. "Moreover, it would only get me in trouble."

We walked out of the classroom. Draco had put his arm around me to comfort me, but I wasn't reassured. Draco was talking about all the dangers that stood in the way of a successful rescue. A dark figure came marching towards us. "Lumos," Draco whispered. It was Professor Carrow, probably hunting for misbehavers to give detention.

"Professor," Draco greeted him.

"Malfoy. Isn't it a little late to wander through the corridors?" the Professor asked suspiciously.

"I was just guiding her back to her dormitory," Draco said.

Professor Carrow nodded and we proceeded.

When we had reached the stairs to the Ravenclaw Tower, Draco grabbed my shoulder and looked at me intently. "I only told you this because you're worried about a friend. If you tell anyone I told you where Lovegood is, we're both dead. Now we can't have that, can we?"

I looked up at him and shook my head.

"Good. Sweet dreams, Keira," he said. He bent forward and pressed his lips on mine. I kissed him back and despite today's worrying discovery, I felt the urge to make out with him. This boy brought out such intense feelings in me...

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