Chapter 18. Confrontation on a Dance Floor.

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My friends and I were walking through the chilly, echoing passage that led to the Slytherin dungeons. After I had used the Memoranti potion I knew what I could expect, but Luna and Emma had no idea.

"Are we the only non-Slytherins?" Luna asked.

"I honestly have no idea," I replied. I hoped not, since I didn't really know any Slytherins and I wasn't looking forward to hiding in a corner with my friends.

We had reached the entrance, at least, I thought we had. Since the entrance consisted of a brick wall and this was the end of the corridor, I assumed it was the way in.

"Password?" someone, or something, asked.

"Serpent," I answered in a loud voice. The bricks trembled and moved aside, letting us pass.

The three of us stared at the Slytherin common room in awe. The flames of the candles in the chandeliers and the fires in the fireplaces were emerald-coloured, causing the entire room to colour green, black velvet drapes and curtains had been hung on the walls and around the dancefloor were little tables with drinks and leather couches to rest on.

"Keira!" Draco approached us.

"Draco! This is gorgeous!" I exclaimed.

"Pansy decorated it all. She's really good at that kind of stuff," Draco smiled. I was impressed by Pansy's eye for composition.

"I'm glad you're all here. You can get drinks at those tables. Oh, and it's wonderful to see you've put some effort in the dress code," he said, admiring our outfits.

Luna had indeed made a bedazzled laurel wreath shaped like a snake. Where the ends met the snake bit into its own tail. To stick to her own style she had matched it with a dark blue poofy dress with a star pattern. I was wearing a dark green slip dress with silver embroidery at the hem and as a homage to Draco  I was wearing the snake necklace he had gifted me. Even Emma had put an effort into her outfit. The velvet top and dark green suit pants made her look like real Slytherin royalty.

Draco grabbed my hand and dragged me away, leaving my friends lost in the hustle and bustle. I was afraid he was heading straight for the dancefloor, but fortunately he guided me to an elevation on which some people stood around a table with drinks.

To my surprise, not all people were Slytherins, at least, next to Pansy stood another Ravenclaw. Slytherins and Ravenclaws were usually on good terms with each other. I didn't expect any Gryffindors here, though.

I was already heading for the drinks, but Draco grabbed his wand from his pocket and pointed it at his throat. Oh dear, he was going to make a speech.

"Good evening, everyone." The entire room went quiet and all students looked at Draco with anticipation. "You don't have to worry about a thing: we have performed protective spells so outsiders can't hear us. Food and drinks can be found on the tables in the corners. If you make a mess in the bathroom, we expect you to clean it up yourself. Unfortunately we couldn't arrange any Gryffindors to do that for you. Song requests are taken by Blaise Zabini. I'd like to thank Pansy for decorating our common room. Lastly, I'd like to introduce to you my Swiss princess Keira!" He pushed me forward and I awkwardly waved at the crowd. "You changed my life," he said, and kissed me on my cheek. "Have a great evening!" the music started playing and Draco turned to the drinks.

"Ooh!" I cried, when I saw some green-coloured drinks. I took a glass and immediately took a big sip. "That's a really interesting cocktail," I said and took another sip. I wasn't planning on drinking too much: I didn't want to forget about my second Slytherin party like I had forgotten about the first after too many glasses of (very good) champagne, but this drink made me giddy with delight.

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