Chapter 17. Forgotten Encounter.

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Professor Slughorn was making his way through the classroom, checking on everyone's progress. Today's task was to brew Memoranti potion. Drinking it allows you to replay a certain memory you have forgotten. This seemed like a very useful potion to me, so after professor Slughorn had praised the pleasantly purple-coloured substance in my cauldron, I discreetly poured as much as I could in the empty perfume bottle I always carried with me to Potions. The pretty colour made it look like actual perfume. 

During Arithmancy Draco reminded me of the party that was scheduled for tonight. His reminder wasn't necessary: I had thought of little else all day.

"It's going to be epic," he assured me.

"I bet it will," I smiled. "

First time going to a Slytherin party?" Draco asked.

I didn't recall going to a Slytherin party, so I nodded.

"Things can get a little rough. Be prepared for a hangover," Draco warned me. He stared at me for a second, as if remembering something. "Was that you...?" he whispered to himself.

"What?" I asked.

"I just remember something. Something you don't, apparently," he said. I was confused, I didn't know what he meant. "You've been to a Slytherin party before," he grinned.

"When?" I asked, not remembering it.

"Two years ago. Everyone was fed up with Umbridge so Slytherin hosted a party for the entire school," Draco said. "Don't you remember? We had our first conversation there. Surely that would have made an impact on you," he said, surprised about the fact that I didn't remember it.

"Strange, I really don't remember. But I've got something to remember it!" I cheered. I took the Memoranti potion from my bag and took a sip. "I'm going to relive the memory," I explained to Draco, who frowned at the sight of me drinking from a perfume bottle.

My surroundings blurred and faded into a new scenery: the Slytherin common room full of noisy students. I felt my body was slightly smaller, since I was only fifteen at the time. Obviously I was quite drunk as well: I was swaying to a corner of the room, slightly touching the wall to prevent falling over. I was heading for a leather couch. I tried to remember how I had ended up here. A faint memory of a rebellious Padma and me, looking for a distraction from Umbridge's regime, crossed my mind.

I let myself fall on the couch, which I had believed to be empty. It was not. In fact, the person sitting next to me was Draco Malfoy, his pale face and blonde hair almost luminating in the dark corner. He looked me up and down and asked: "Tired from dancing?"

"Just taking a little break, that's all," I said curtly.

"How come I've never seen you before?" Draco asked, looking intently at me.

"Because we only have Astronomy together in the middle of the night?" I replied, slightly annoyed by such a stupid question.

"Aren't you a Slytherin?" he asked.

"No?" I said, puzzled.

"But you look just like one," Draco smiled.

"Merlin's beard, the dress code is Slytherin fashion, of course I look like a Slytherin," I heard myself say. I was wearing a tight emerald green dress with a polo neck.

"It's not just your clothes, it's your aura. You're a bit reserved but I sense pride. Real Slytherin attributes," Draco said and he made a face as if he had just diagnosed me with some mental issue.

"And why are you sitting here, if I may ask? Don't you have some madly in love girls to dance with? It surprises me you aren't surrounded by kids asking for signatures right now," I mocked.

"They don't ask for my signature. Just Potter's," Draco smiled, but I could notice he was kind of jealous at that. "I was just enjoying my champagne when you came stumbling along. Do you want some, too?"

"I wasn't stumbling! But sure," I said. I had already had a glass and such fine quality I couldn't turn down. Draco got up and I watched him as he walked to the improvised bar.

Draco came back with a glass for me and a refill for himself. In his black pants and dark green shirt, combined with a tailored waistcoat, my fifteen year old self couldn't deny he looked hot.

I took the glass and Draco said: "Santé!" in a perfect French accent. We toasted and took a sip of the champagne. I was feeling more comfortable around him already.

"How do you like it?" Draco asked.

"It's exceptionally good," I smiled, knowing the compliment would flatter him.

"It's one of the best on the market, in fact. My father let me purchase as many as required for the party," Draco said superciliously.

"You sure have good taste," I said, slightly pitying him for thinking such a remark would impress me.

"And don't you have friends to hang out with?" Draco asked, his expression somewhat in between pity and curiosity.

"I'm here with the Patil twins, but I lost them out of sight. I met a nice guy on the dance floor who offered me a drink,  but when he suggested to go to his dorm I made a run for it. I roamed over the dancefloor a bit, picking up a drink every now and then. And now I'm here," I stated.

Draco grinned at my story and assured me: "If that guy bothers you again, come to me and I'll tell him off." I smiled gratefully.

"Draco!" someone yelled from the opposite side of the room.

"Pansy is calling me, it was nice meeting you..."

"Keira, likewise," I replied. Draco nodded and walked over to Pansy.

I emptied my glass and closed my eyes for a while. Before I knew it I had fallen asleep. It was as if I was being pulled out of my body and I now saw myself lying on the couch, as if I was hovering above myself. The image sped up. More and more people left the party, until just a few were left in the room. The image slowed down to normal speed and I was mesmerized when Draco walked over to my sleeping body. He looked at me sweetly and magically lifted my body. I was slightly embarrassed by how unflattering my sleeping body hung in the air: my hair fell in my face and my shoulders were drooping. Draco didn't seem to mind. He walked to the exit and to my surprise, walked up the stairs to the ground floor.

While making sure I didn't bump into walls or ceilings, Draco maneuvered me all the way to the entrance of the Ravenclaw common room. Since I hadn't woken up yet, he left me in the care of some people who were fortunately still trying to solve the riddle provided by the knocker.

My sight clouded again and turned back to the Arithmancy classroom. Draco stared at me wide-eyed. "I remember everything!" I cheered.

"It's a pity we didn't keep in touch, you seemed to like me," Draco grinned.

"You seemed to like me," I corrected him. "And you should've just hit me up  if you wanted to see me again, I even gave you my name!" I continued.

"I didn't catch it in the noise," Draco admitted.

"If you were really interested, you would've found me," I stated.

"To be honest, I forgot about the encounter after a while," Draco said, blushing guiltily.

"Perhaps it's better we met each other later, since I didn't think highly of you back then. You stuck up snob!" I giggled.

Draco pretended to be annoyed, but smiled: "At least we're together now."

A rush of emotion overwhelmed me and I kissed him right then and there, in the Arithmancy classroom. Draco kissed me back, letting his hand run through my hair. We couldn't be bothered by the shocked and amused stares from our fellow classmates and professor Vector.

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