30. Bokuto/Akaashi.

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On Akaashi's first day of work, he was already here. Chamber 261, second door to the left, next to the old lady with lungs' cancer. His name was on the paper pinned next to the number of the room. Keiji didn't pay attention to it as the nurse who was showing him around just stated that this patient would probably be dead in a few days.

But as he walked past the half-open door, he had a glimpse of his appearance. Weird hair, half gray and half black, skin on bones, with lots of wires coming out of his body. He looked asleep. Maybe it was better for him.

Two weeks passed and Akaashi found himself affected to the palliative care service. And the man was still here, in the exact same state. He learned his name, his age and the reason he was here in order to provide him the best cares he could. Bokuto Koutarou, twenty-four years old, hit by a drunk driver's car six months ago. Unconscious since then. No visit registered.

At the last line of the card at the bottom of his bed, Keiji looked up to the patient. His eyes scanned every detail of his pale face, analyzing. He sighed.


December came and its snow fell on the town and the hospital. Two months and still no sign of any amelioration of Bokuto's state, and no one had visited him. Akaashi loved to work as a caregiver, but there was days like this one when he really wished to be anywhere but here. The administration had to refuse a patient into the palliative care service. A little girl, four years old, in remission of a bones cancer. They had no bed available for now. She would have to be separated from her parents in order to go to a farther clinic. It was unfair. Keiji walked outside of the meeting room, letting the parents cry in peace. His steps leaded him to a bedroom. The 261. He peered inside, brows furrowed.

"- Why can't you just die ?" he whisper-shouted.

Only the silence and the beep of the medical devices answered.

January, February and March disappeared in a flash. Akaashi found himself more and more in the care service he despised. He couldn't look at the unconscious man for more than ten seconds. No one was waiting for him and the chances that he would wake up were low, maybe zero. They could have helped so many people... Every time he closed his eyes, he was seeing this little girl's parents. He was getting nightmares. It needed to stop.

One night of April, Keiji stood next to Bokuto's bed. He looked at the patient for the first time in months. He watched his chest fall and come up, in slow and deep motions. His hands moved on their own, his brain short-circuited. He took the syringe, got it out of its packaging. He dipped the needle in the morphine bottle, dosing a bit too much. Taking a deep breath, he inserted syringe in the man's intravenous infusion and pushed all the content inside.

"- It's for the best." he murmured.

He waited until the heartbeat's line flattened to a single trait, turning off the device. He didn't look at Bokuto, hurrying to make his way out of the dark room. If an autopsy was to be realized, it would be done in the morning and no trace of the pharmaceutic would be detected.

It was for the best, after all.   

Haikyuu!! Whumptober 2020 (ENG) [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now