13. Takeda/Ukai.

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The loss of your loved ones was always hard to handle. Even more when several of them were gone at the same time. Not to mention if it was not from a natural cause, of course. Pain was so easily brought in your life, sudden and strong. Destructive. And all you could do was to suffer, to accept whatever what was happening. Sometimes someone would give you a hand, out of the darkness. You could choose to not take it, but that would be stupid. Sometimes, you have to let the others help you. And that's okay.

The graveyard was cold, like it always is in the early February. The flowers wouldn't stay beautiful a long time, the frost covering them every morning. It was a moment like that, the sun was only out since a couple of hours.

A fresh bouquet of flowers entered the vision of Takeda Ittetsu, landing on the tomb he was staring at, thanks to their owner. He didn't need to lift his eyes to know who was here with him. The warm of the body next to him was radiating over his own, a small comfort very welcomed. But it was gone too soon, as the man turned on his heels without saying a word.

"- Stay."

The blond stopped in his tracks, slowly facing the professor. The latter's eyes hadn't moved from the frozen marble, tears quickly gathering in them without flooding. Hesitantly, the newcomer approached him. When a he was only centimeters away from the dark-haired man, a hand expectantly rose, prompting him to come even closer. The young volleyball coach took it, softening.

"- Of course."

Ukai Keishin turned to look at the grave once again, reading the names he already knew by heart. His whole family-in-law was laying here, six feet under the ground. Car accidents could happen to anyone, anywhere, at any moment. And the left behind could do was to keep going on with their life.  

Haikyuu!! Whumptober 2020 (ENG) [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now