22. Daichi/Sugawara.

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Crawling on the sand, Daichi peeked above his shoulder to see where his Major was. They were the only soldiers that could go in the place where the hostages were held captive. To get the mission done, they needed experienced soldiers and who were better to do it than the Lieutenant and his Major ? Nobody, right.

At the same time that the two graded men approached the small house in ruins, their allies were preparing an assault to divert the rebels. They stopped behind some rocks and waited for the mission to begin. They were supposed to go in there just after the signal would be given by Iwaizumi, the second Lieutenant in charge of the rest of their forces.

Sawamura checked his radio from time to time, glancing in the direction of the rebels guarding the entry of their GHQ.

"- Stop worrying so much, Dai. The mission will be a success, there's no doubt." Sugawara grinned to him, his face slightly hidden by his heavy helmet.

Sawamura glanced up at him and sighed heavily. There was so many lives that depended on him, it was crushing his shoulders and weighing him so much... He was so lost in his thoughts that when the first gunshot resonated he jolted. Koushi was evaluating the situation, talking to Oikawa with his radio, asking for details and up grades of the assault.

Outside the small house, the rebels were becoming agitated. The bullets were flying in every direction.

"- brrr- go, go, go- brrr-" Hajime's voice came out of the device, startling the waiting men.

Daichi stood up, grimacing. They were supposed to enter the place by passing behind the back of the rebels but if one of them turned around during the time lapse they had to close the distance between their position and the hostages, they were screwed. The Lieutenant started to climb the rocks in front of him when a loud sound made his ears buzz and almost instantly a dazzling pain shot through his side. The brown-haired soldier fell back to his previous spot and growled. Eyeing his friend and subordinated, he caught his arm and tugged on it.

"- Crouch down, we have-we have been spotted ! he urged before trying to reach his radio to warn Iwaizumi and Oikawa on the other side of the line.

- No, no, no, Dai, it's fine. No need to tell anyone. Suga smiled, catching his wrist before he could press the button.

- S-Suga ? the other asked, confused. He watched as the gray-headed took off his helmet and posed it on the floor.

- brrrr-brrr- they knew ! Brrr-brr -ucking knew we were coming brrr-brrr- a spy, Daichi !"

Hajime's voice sounded angry and panicked. Sawamura tempted to proceed what at he said and what it implied but a hand stroke his cheek softly. He wasn't feeling the blood flowing from his wound anymore, they had been betrayed. HE had been betrayed, and by who...

"- I'm sorry but I'm not really at the same time, you know... Koushi said, pensively. I know you won't understand but I want to explain-

- You're-you're with them !? You sold us to the r-rebels ! How-how could you...

- Shhhh, shhh, Dai, it's fine. You don't want me to execute you right now, don't you ?"

The Lieutenant closed his mouth and watched his ex-friend attentively. He wasn't serious. He couldn't be. But at the same time... He had already shot him just a few minutes ago.

"- Good. the Major smiled again, his eyes giving away nothing. They made me an offer. If I betray you, they pay me a ticket to go back in Japan. No need to pass by the United States and I'll be protect when my feet hit our country's land. I know you can understand that, you would do the same to see your family again.

- No ! Suga, people dies ! Our soldiers, our-our friends ! They killed Asahi, they killed Ennoshita and-and you join them !? For your own good ? I would never do that !

- brrr-brrr Daichi ? Sug- brrr-brrr- answer ! We're- brrr-brrr -ing your way, guys !" Tooru's voice screamed in the radio.

Sugawara stared at the device for a solid five seconds before standing up. His face was indifferent and no emotions were to be seen in his eyes as he raised his gun to his Lieutenant's head.

"- Suga, you-you don't have to... Sawamura stuttered and his whole body was shaking.

- If they find you dead, they'll just assume I've been captured. If I let you alive... You'll tell them.

- No, no, I promise I won't ! the brown-haired soldier panicked and shouted, pleading for his life.

- Look at you, Dai. I'm doing you a favor. You have lost a lot of blood... You're already dead."

Haikyuu!! Whumptober 2020 (ENG) [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now