18. Bokuto/Akaashi/Kuroo/Kenma.

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Akaashi loved his new job and he didn't want to brag, but he really thought he was good at it. In a month he had been promoted and had a lot more responsibilities. He was in charge of the coffee shop's closure on the days with great influence. On late Mondays afternoons, there wasn't many customers so it was the best time for him to invite his three boyfriends. Bokuto and Kuroo were so excited to finally come to see him at work, they were talking about it since he accepted the job. Kenma just had rolled his eyes every time the other two jumped all around and babbled about their visit.

Now they were at one of the tables just in front the counter, watching intensively as the dark-haired barista made their drinks : a vanilla cappuccino for Kozume, a latte mocha for Koutarou and a caramel macchiato for Tetsurou. Keiji brought them to the three waiting men and sat down with them, welcomed by blinding smiles and shining eyes.

"- You're not drinking any ? the cats' former setter asked, taking a sip from his cup.

- Not on a shift. That's not very professional."

The two others giggled, tasting their beverages and humming appreciatively. They all fell into a comfortable silent, the sun setting out and projecting some warm light inside the shop. Akaashi glanced at the clock, ten more minutes before he had to close. He was tired from his day, plenty of clients came today. He stood up, deciding that no one would come anymore since it was near seven pm. It seemed like he was wrong because a man all dressed in black and a hood on his head pushed the door furiously. The barista only had time to register the hiccup that left Bokuto's mouth before a gun was pointed directly to his head.

"- The cash ! Give me all the money and everything's gonna be fine ! the newcomer screamed, pushing his hostage towards the coffee checkout. You, hands in the air ! Away from the phones !"

The former setter complied, throwing a look at his lovers. They were all frozen, eyes wide and face livid. The criminal followed him and handed him a bag where Keiji hurried to put all of the recipe he made that day. He could feel the gun banging his head slightly as the man shook. His eyes lifted up to observe how the others were doing. Tetsurou was stoic, but he noticed his knee touching Koutarou's one as the latter was completely panicking. Kenma had his own eyes riveted on the barista, checking for any kind of fear. They had locked eyes for a while before the robber yelled something to make his prisoner go faster.

How long had pass ? Five minutes ? Less ? More ? No one knew, but a first police car had parked in the middle of the road, sirens all loud. Two officers came out and pulled their own guns out. The intruder hid behind Akaashi, indicating for Kuroo to close the shutters. The dark-haired man stood up quickly and did as he was asked. The officers shot him a look of surprise but understood easily. What seemed to be a robbery in the first place turned to hostage-taking.

"- The back shop ? Is there another door ? the criminal asked angrily, shaking even more.

- Yes, it's the first one to the-

- What are you thinking ? You're coming with me dude."

Once again, the barista was directed by the gun and by a hand pushing his shoulder forward. Bokuto was now whimpering weakly, being powerless as his boyfriend was taken away from him. Unfortunately, another cops' car was waiting for them outside. The hooded man cursed under his breath and came back in the main room of the shop, making his hostage sit with the others. Guessing by the lights and sounds, a lot more of the police forces were out there now.

The four victims looked at each other, realizing that it was not a joke. They had no time to fully proceed this fact before the hostage taker came back to them.

Haikyuu!! Whumptober 2020 (ENG) [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now