29. Kyoutani/Yahaba.

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Kyoutani mumbled for himself when he noticed his captain still practicing, as he was heading outside of the gym. He closed the door behind him, glancing at Yahaba's landing after his serve. It had been going on for days, maybe weeks. The setter was overworking himself, always training after the departure of his teammates. Even after some of them had pointed it out, Shigeru was still stubbornly pushing his body out of its limits. Mad Dog had stayed silent for now. He knew better than to annoy the boy. He couldn't understand his actions, with the Spring High Tournament coming. Hopefully, that would end very soon.

The next day, the captain had dark circles under his eyes. He was dodging every question about the hour he had left practice. Watari was literally harassing him, not letting go. It got on for most of the day, even at practice. Once again, Kentarou remained silent. Of course, he was sometimes glancing at the boy. The new first years were even scared to just breath as the libero yelled on Yahaba. Eventually, the training began and the incident was momentarily forgotten. Until Kunimi pointed out the unstable tosses of their setter. Shigeru didn't even react when Kindaichi confirmed. Kyoutani let it slip, waiting for his turn to spike. He jumped, expecting to hit the ball, but this latter never came. A loud thump resonated in the room as everyone froze. The first one to realize what was happening was Shinji. He launched forward, kneeling besides the captain that was passed out on the floor. Mad Dog followed him right after. He grunted, lifting the boy up and walking to the lockers' room. As the first years began to ask questions, he heard the libero trying to calm everyone down.

When Yahaba finally woke up, all his teammates had left except for one. The only one he didn't want to face right now.

"- Oh, the Sleeping Beauty is awake.

- Fuck off. the captain growled as he straightened himself on the bench.

- No. You're gonna explain why you're doing this and you're gonna do it now.

- Yeah, no thanks. I pass my turn.

- That wasn't a question and you know it."

The two boys stared at each other, faces foaming with anger. The brown-haired one looked away first, lips quivering.

"- Don't force me.

- I will if you don't do it yourself. the other sighed, crossing his arms.

- Please.

- The fuck, Yahaba ? You never beg, to anyone, and let alone me. It's the last time I'm gonna ask this, what is going on ?

- I'm not talented enough ! That's it ! I'm not half as good as Oikawa, I shouldn't have been named captain !"

The bleached blond was taken aback by the words thrown at him. His classmate was crying, hot tears streaming down his flushed cheeks. The sobs seemed so loud in the empty gymnasium. Kentarou took a few steps forwards, then stopped a few meters away from his friend.

"- Who said that ? he growled, a vein pulsing on his forehead.

- N-no one, it's just the truth !

- Don't lie to me."

Shigeru lifted his puffy eyes to Mad Dog's ones. He closed them under the strong and burning glare. The hitter watched him breathing deeply before dropping his head in his hands.

"- Some classmates, girls, teachers, everyone. he finally answered, voice trembling.

- And you believe them ?

- How not to ? Yahaba scoffed sadly. They're right."

Almost instantly a hand gripped his jersey and pulled him to his feet. His back slammed against the nearer wall. He stared, startled, at his teammate's face, centimeters away from his own.

"- You better listen to this 'cause I'll only say this once. They're not right at all and they can fuck off. We're gonna prove them wrong by going to Nationals. And you're gonna be the best captain that Seijoh has ever had. Got it ?"

The brown-haired boy could only nod, stunned by the words spat to his face. The grip on his shirt loosen up and the blond recoiled rapidly. He turned on his heels, ready to get out of the lockers' room when a whisper stopped him in his track.

"- I won't do it anymore. I promise.

- Good."

As the door closed behind his back, the silence fell again on the establishment.  

Haikyuu!! Whumptober 2020 (ENG) [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now