New Home & New Friends(Chapter 3)

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I had woken up very early in the morning My so called parents were pretty much wasted out because they spend the night celebrating although that was illogical from them given that today is the final day in school before our summer break but knowing them they will let Izumi take the day off from school or maybe not that if Izumi really want to leave for school which is probably to torment me behind there backs although even if they find out about the bullying she will only receive a slap on the wrist and leave after all she was the favorite child in the house. My room although was big and comfortable had the smell of blood because of me bandaging myself everyday for the past 6 years because if there is one important lesson I learned and that is to not always rely on others to give you a helping hand. I then opened my drawer looking at my clothes that I will probably will take with me but comparing to the clothes left to me by my father it was all poorly designed, maybe even torn in some places so taking anything was pretty much out of the window. I then took the scroll and shoved it in my ninja pouch and left through the window not before placing the letter in the table for everyone to see that is if someone bothered coming to my room. 


After 20 minutes of idly walking on the street in hops of finding an open bank I finally found it although it wasn't the biggest Bank I've ever entered since my parents are businessmen I then open the door to find the secretary she then looked towards me and asked- Hello sir, How could I help you. I then say- Hello My name is Izuku Uchiha and my father Hiashi Uchiha has left me in his will his house and everything he own. The secretary than asks- Okay then could you please hand me the will which states that you are the owner. I then hand her the will which she read and then made some typing on her laptop and then took the phone and made a call to whatever is on the line. Once she was done with her call she looked towards me and said- Sir, Please sit on the chair here, We sadly don't have the key to the house left to you by your father so another company will be arriving here shortly with the keys and others stuff your father left you. I then nod my head and said- Thank you! 

 I then nod my head and said- Thank you! 

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For the next 20 minute I sat on my chair until a car walked through the driveway and came a man with a business suit and headed towards the secretary and handed her a box, she then gestured for me to come towards her which I complied. She then said- Here you go sir, anything else! I then thanked the secretary for her help and payed her for the service. I took a map and found that the compound is situated in Hosu city the same place were Itsuka went to, I do hope that I could see her again. I then headed to the train station and thanks to the money that I extracted thanks to my father debit card I was able to get a train to Hosu city which took me two hours to arrive to the station, The place although a little busy compared to my home town Mustafa it was still more better because I would be either reunited with Itsuka unless she moved to another city and there is also my grandfather Gran Torino who has been sending me gift despite his old age and his busy work with the police force. 

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