Hero Public Safety Commission! (Chapter 16)

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Nezu was seen sitting in one of the meeting rooms reserved for the staff of UA he was staring at his cup of tea before he took it and started to sip on it slowly as his head raised to look at the Hero Public Safety Commission and number 3 pro hero: Hawks who was looking around him observing his surrounding and overall he had a smile on his face. 

Madame President: So let me get this straight you want those three students Izuku Uchiha, Itsuka Kendo and Shikamaru Nara to be granted provisional license we did hear about the three of them when you talked to us last time. 

Nezu: That is correct Madame President!

Mera: Are you sure they are ready I don't doubt there strength and all but they still first years who just has started 3-4 days ago. 

Nezu: I agree they are still new but they have experience, skills and intellect. 

Hawk: I do have to agree!

Madame President: Could you explain why Hawks?

Hawk stood up as he picked the three pictures of the 3 students he then picked Izuku photo with his feathers as it slammed on the board. 

Hawks: First we have Izuku Uchiha when I watched him fight against those 8 students I was extremely amazed he was able to stay hidden in the shadows which his hero costume seem to be helping him as well and also help conceal his weapons which makes him more unpredictable, he was really good at the usage of weapon when he used the distracted students to launch that explosion tag which seem to separate the students and also cause damage, he was able to counter the electric kid by running his own electricity which overcharged him and incapacitate him which shows his great usage of quirk at countering the enemy with minimal damage to the building and the enemy himself, he was also able to engage with the hardening kid by using the fact that he is confident in his strength to trip him and immobilize him by pinning on the ground, then there is the gravity quirk he broke one finger in each of her hand which made her unable to use her quirk because she needs all five fingers, what impressed me the most is how he was able to project his voice everywhere in the battlefield making the enemy unable to pinpoint him and installing fear into them that is definitely a skill worthy of a pro hero at that as he is quite smart, tactical, physically strong, good usage of weapon, stealth and many more, I think Edgeshot will take a liking to him due to the kid leaning towards the Shinobi way. 

Madame President: I see that is quite logical and something I would like to have then Izuku Uchiha will be granted the provisional License. 

Nezu smiled as Hawk then picked the picture of Izuku and placed it along with the other two papers as he had his feathers once more send the second photo to the wall as it shows Itsuka Kendo. 

Hawks: Now Itsuka Kendo similar to her boyfriend Izuku she is also good at stealth, good usage of weapon more specifically Senbon which she used to knock out the belt kid which is a very useful trick I don't know what other weapons she use but I could say she is good at using weapons, She has something that her boyfriend doesn't have and that is her menstruous strength as she had knocked a kid with just a flick of a finger. She also have good healing quirk which I dare say might or have already surpassed that of Recovery Girl as she had brought Pro hero Eraser head back to a stable condition enough for Recovery Girl to use her quirk. I wonder if both Itsuka Kendo and Izuku Uchiha were to team up. 

Madame President (Realize): They would be a fearsome couple that is really good so now Itsuka Kendo will be granted the provisional License. 

Hawks: Now lastly we have Shikamaru Nara at first glance I could say that he is quite lazy and unmotivated unless the situation calls for it he is quite smart as even Principal Nezu claimed him to be as smart as him as was seen when he used his surrounding to his advantage and haven't raised a finger aside from messing with the command system which led to the team that he was facing to surrender as he had calculated counter measures for the students quirks, he might not be a hero in the daylight but he might be the next Nezu. 

Madame President: Um, Sure I don't have problem with that actually we have been dumping a lot of work on Principal Nezu mainly because he is one of the few to have such IQ so having Shikamaru Nara could help ease the workload while also giving us more tactical hero then Shikamaru Nara will be granted provisional License. 

Nezu: Thank You for your time Madame President!

Madame President: No, thank you for pumping good heroes I look forward to seeing what they offer to the society we will be delivering there license next week, good day!

Nezu: Good day to you Madam President and Hawks! 

Hawks: Now Good bye, now Madame President let's take you back. 

Madame President: Thank You Hawks.

Madame President was escorted outside to the limousine by Hawks as Principal Nezu was seen grinning as he now have three youngest provisional license heroes in his school he can't wait to break it to everyone they will be shocked. Principal Nezu made sure to move to a bigger meeting room as now they will have to discuss with the staff along with the detective the league attack as they had learned a disturbing news that Shigaraki Tomura identity is Tenko Shimura he wonder how All Might and Psychic will take the news not that he care anymore about them as they had failed to raise there own son.  

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