Shisui Outing (Chapter 6)

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It was the next day and Izuku woke up preparing the food for both him and Shisui which was some pancakes, He then knocked on Shisui room before opening it to see Shisui made a mess out of the room in a day which Izuku sighs in disbelief before he woke up Shisui. Shisui looked like he didn't sleep the whole night so Izuku said- Seriously? You've been playing Apex for a whole day. Shisui than whines and said- But come on you get to play this games all the time and it is fun. Izuku laugh and said- You do know that I bought you one to play on it whenever you want but don't make it a habit we don't want you to become like my uncle Aizawa. Shisui then said- You mean that hobo who look like those things you people called Zombie. Izuku nods his head and said- Yes, but he is like this for another reason because he is an underground hero so he work at night rather than morning and have troublesome student to teach at morning that is if he didn't already expel them all on the first day. Shisui than said- I feel that guy, we had times were we got hired by the Hokage to watch a person 24 hour a day. Izuku then said- Damn, That must have been boring. Shisui than said- You finally understand me little bro, that's why a game as interesting as Apex are so fun. Izuku than said- Sure thing man but we are going out today to get familiar with the city. Shisui was contemplating, Izuku knew he was having an internal battle wither to go out or continue playing the game, Izuku then decided to use his secret weapon and said- I've heard there is a lot of beautiful girl in Hosu city so who knows you might find someone you're interested in. Shisui than said- I AM GOING! Izuku then said- Now that's the spirit, let's go eat I prepared pancakes. 

Shisui rushed outside to the dining table and we sat down Izuku of course ate properly while Shisui ate like a mad man, Izuku then said- I am glad I made extra one just for measures considering you just been brought to life so I assumed dead people have the quite appetite or it's just the way you eat which I don't judge really, I know that Katsuki brat eat with his hands instead of a chopstick and there is Shoto Todoroki who use cutlery in front of us to brag about his uprising. Shisui laugh and said- You know the Uchiha clan are considered royalty to your people standards and about my eating well since I was raised alone because of my father death I was never taught about eating etiquette and when they tried to forcibly change it well wouldn't work since I got used to eating that way. Izuku then said- No problem, I don't honestly have any problem with the way you are eating today society is weird and what you are doing isn't the weirdest thing I've ever seen but just a heads up you have limited freedom since I will be summoning the other sooner or later and they will force you to do what they see fit. Shisui pale when he remember that he isn't the one who is going to be brought back and said- Well I guess I will have to enjoy it while it last. Izuku then said- Sadly you will, you will also have to start adapting to today trend so you wouldn't look weirdly. Shisui than said- But I like those clothes. Izuku then said- I am not telling you to throw it, you can wear it like you want  but at least wear clothes of this era if you are planning to seduce a girl that is and also don't just go to a girl and ask her on date that's not how it works here, if you do that you will be either considered a creep and have the heroes and the police on your case and slap you with sexual harassment. Shisui pales a little and said- Oh man! I thought it was that simple. Izuku then said- Well things aren't like Konoha were we Uchiha have fan girls chasing us and beside the Uchiha aren't that recognized as it was back in your era. Shisui than hums and said- Well it doesn't matter let's just do what you want. Izuku was surprised and said- Wait you don't want to chase a girl. Shisui than said- Don't get me wrong it nice to have a girlfriend and all but I am not that desperate to get one as of now I just want to finally have a peaceful life without having to be shipped to the battlefield or be involved into to much conflict. Izuku then said- I understand, you developed this playboy persona to cop with loss and the constant conflict and war and the high expectation that the Uchiha placed on you for being the strongest of the Uchiha along with big brother Itachi and father (Fugaku). Shisui than said- You are the first aside from the others to know about this everyone just think that I am desperate but I am still a teenager at the time and even now, I died at 16 for god sake. Izuku then pats his back and said- We are family Shisui, so you don't need to hide your true emotion I know that you are wearing a mask of happiness all the time that's why I am planning to take you outside, you could say this is your second life. Shisui than nod and said- You are right little bro, This is my second life to hopefully be able to get peace. They continued eating before they wore a regular blue Uchiha shirt with the crest in the back of the shirt and left the compound.

Walking past the guard who greeted both of them, they took a cab that took them to Hosu city mall Izuku took Shisui in multiple shops and by the end they had enough clothes. Izuku then took Shisui to the arcade and for Shisui it was one hell of an experience he spend three hours inside and practically won every game although he did use the Sharingan and covered it with Genjutsu since quirk usage was not allowed because it would be considered cheating, Izuku was impressed at Shisui quick thinking and brilliant idea that he even did it himself thanks to Shisui teaching him some minor Genjutsu to cover his eyes. They then went to eat at a restaurant and Shisui ate the food and was extremely amazed at the taste even the Ramen was way better than Ichiraku Ramen. Izuku then dragged him to a movie where they watch a comedy movie which made Shisui laugh his ass off and finally they left with some ice creams in hand and shopping bag on the other hand.

Shisui than said- That was amazing, who would've thought that this Era have a lot of fun entertainment games and you are right I like my new clothes. Izuku then said- Glad you enjoyed your day I also brought some games and things to decorate your room later on. Shisui than said- Thanks Bro, I wish Itachi was here I am sure he is gonna like the new and improved Dango. Izuku then said- He is the third that gonna be revived so don't worry big bro you will have a lot of time to drag him in every part of the city. Shisui than said- Yeah! Izuku then said- But I also feel bad for both Sasuke and Itachi since they will have one hell of a fan girl base when they return. Shisui laugh and said- This is gonna be a nightmare for both of them especially for Sasuke since I remember a pink hair girl who once stalked him to his house and stole some of his clothes, god knows what she did with them but surprisingly she ended up marrying Sasuke. Izuku was wide eye but ended up laughing and said- Wow, If things were that easy than anyone could have done it by now, that explains why you actually thought chasing a girl will be easy. Shisui than said- Yeah, I remember Jiraiya of the legendary Sanin was always peeking on the women hot spring to write his smut book. Izuku then said- Wow, just like that and he walked away. Shisui than said- Depending on who he was peeking on, If he peeked on Tsunade one of his teammate and also one of the legendary Sanin well he won't survive because she will punch him to oblivion actually she did before and he almost died because of those punches. Izuku shudder and said- I hope there will be no other Tsunade. Shisui shudder as well and said- You are right bro. Both Izuku and Shisui returned to the compound and placed there new bags of clothes in there room before falling on bed to sleep since they were extremely exhausted.

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