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Should Izuku have OFA?

NO, Izuku won't be getting OFA since he will decline it due to him having Uchiha pride that doesn't allow him to accept power from anyone especially from someone who looked down on him and forgot his existence because of a quirk. 

Should Kendo learn medical jutsu and infuse her fist with Chakra or not? I am already planning on giving her an ability that suits her quirk or her personality in general so feel free to give me suggestion.

I am planning to teach her medical Jutsu but it will be strong enough to rival Recovery girl but not yet there and her fist infused with chakra to make her attack devastating but hers will be toned down a little to match around 10% of OFA which is no joke when she uses her quirk with it.

Should Izuku teach Eraser head chakra?

there is five people who voted yes and the other five voted no so as of this moment the poll will stay and will decide probably in the future maybe after the USJ arc when he sees the gap in his power.

Should Izuku, Kendo and Momo attend Somei with Lida or not? ( I'd rather not since All Might still is searching for Izuku).

People chose yes so Izuku will be attending somei mainly because his Uchiha ancestor told him that hiding himself from him won't solve the problem and that he doesn't have to stop his life just because of them so he will agree and with the help of Eraser head and Gran Torino he will go to Somei along with the girls and Lida, The parents of Momo and Kendo trust there daughter to Izuku since they knew about his ability and that he is a capable fighter. 

Should Izuku summon his new Uchiha family to the real world like how summoning Jutsu work or have him train in his dreamscape every night he go to sleep?

This one is gonna be a little tricky but I will have him summon them to the real world and they can stay as much as they want but they will poof away when they need to but once Izuku has fully mastered his jutsu they will poof away and won't be able to be summoned back but Izuku will be able to communicate with them or go to his mindscape to see them. 

How do you want the training to go for the next 5-6 years and what should he start with first?

only one answered it so I will go with it so shout out to Caster_Gil-Sama

Should Izuku forgive Inko or at least give her a chance or not or maybe later in the story?

No! I might have him forgive her at the future or maybe not that is not determined yet since this is still the beginning of the story. 

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