Practical Test (Chapter 11)

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The sound of footsteps resonated into the almost empty auditorium with Midnight arriving to the scene, The boys except Izuku were love struck at seeing the 18+ heroine in the flesh some even had nosebleeds with Midnight smirking and said- Good Job Eraser, We started with 2000 now we are under 400 people now. Aizawa than said- Whatever just get it over with Midnight! Aizawa then entered his sleeping bag which was grabbed by the UA staff that was posing as UA student and transported to the observation room making everyone sweat drop at the scene with the same purple hair looking at Aizawa in admiration like a fan looking at his idol he then looked down revealing a purple sleeping bag and inside is a picture of Aizawa that said "Number 1 fan".  He could only thing- Eraser is so cool!!

Midnight than said- Hello everyone, my name is Midnight the 18+ heroine and I am the proctor of this exam do make it entertaining for me

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Midnight than said- Hello everyone, my name is Midnight the 18+ heroine and I am the proctor of this exam do make it entertaining for me. she licks her lips making everyone who knew her shudder in fear as it was no secret that midnight is a masochist and a sadist. She held a remote pressing the button a holographic appeared showing the picture of four robots she then said- The battle portion will be against robots as you see there are three types of Robots. Iida was about to comment but I had my hand on his mouth and whispered- Let her continue explaining. Iida sat down although he was frustrated Midnight was seen continuing- The first robot is a one pointer, the second robot is a 2 pointer and the third robot is a 3 pointer, for those who are quite observing will notice that there is a fourth robot in the chart which wasn't included but that would be the 0 pointer which means it will not gain you anything so it's best to avoid it as much as possible. Iida realize that he was gonna humiliate himself in front of everyone because of his impatience and whispered to Izuku- Thank you for stopping me Uchiha! Izuku said- No problem! Midnight then said- Now then, under your seats you will find cards which shows you which area you are assigned to and bus that you will take so go change into a battle clothes quickly. Izuku then pulled the card to find he is assigned to area B Izuku then ask- Itsu what area are you assigned to? Itsuka then said- battle center B, what about you? Izuku smiled and said- same as you! Itsuka beamed in joy with Iida saying- It seem I am also assigned at Battle center B. Itsuka cheered quietly- We are going to be together! Iida started doing hand chop and said- Let's represent properly our academy! Izuku nod his head not wanting to argue with the guy about relaxing.

 Itsuka cheered quietly- We are going to be together! Iida started doing hand chop and said- Let's represent properly our academy! Izuku nod his head not wanting to argue with the guy about relaxing

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