New school & reunite (Chapter 7)

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Note: - In My OC Akemi Kaki was two names that I combined together I had to search at google for a good name to combine. (Akemi= Beautiful and Bright) (Kaki= Flame) In conclusion her name translate to beautiful flame or bright flame. 

-Enkai Kato (Enkai= Deep Sea) (Kato= All Knowing) The reason for choosing this name was because the principal knowledge was like a deep sea and he knows everything that goes in his school.

- Aya Umi (Aya= Colorful) (Umi= Sea) I don't have any reason for choosing this name beside that I like the name combined.

- Mida Rana is an already existing character that I found on the internet when looking at a school councilor and I found her. Her name translate to (Mida= All The More/ Increasingly) (Rana= Love, affection)

- Akari Hoshi is a name that I also created it translates to (Akari= Lights) (Hoshi= Star)she is the school nurse.


It has been a week since Izuku had his outing with Shisui and both had fun together it took sometimes for Izuku to have Shisui catch up to today society rules so he doesn't get in problem with the government and so he can go out on his own without having Izuku being around him all the time and today he has enrolled in a prestigious middle school that he looked into and that was "Somei Private Middle School" it's a school were student from rich family or hero family join it has rules against bullying, quirkless treatment and even the students are happy with the system and education overall it is the perfect school for him given that they won't sabotage his grades or attempt any harassment towards him that's why we see Izuku standing in front of the front door of the academy taking a deep breath he knew he will have to meet the principal first and have a test to see his IQ and were he stand currently in his education so they know how to have him catch up so he told the principal that he will be making an early arrival as to not waste the day which the principal was impressed with his seriousness in his education, Izuku knew he will have to tell him about his former family which he hate but he have to show that he can be trusted.

It has been a week since Izuku had his outing with Shisui and both had fun together it took sometimes for Izuku to have Shisui catch up to today society rules so he doesn't get in problem with the government and so he can go out on his own without...

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Izuku walked through the front gate of the school and was awe at the place it was nothing like his old middle school it was clean and even there is this blue hair student that was sitting reading, Izuku showed respect by waving to the blue hair boy and bowing to him. The boy seeing this smile but confused at the same time approaching Izuku he asked- Hello my fellow friend, I believe I haven't seen you around here in campus. Izuku then answered- Hello My name Izuku Uchiha it's nice to meet you and yes I am new here I was planning to meet the principal early so I can have an admission test to see where I stand currently. The now name Lida was quite surprised and said- So you must be the new student I've heard about well good luck and also where are my manners my name is Ida Tenya it's nice to meet you as well Uchiha. Izuku was shocked and said- Ok Lida but I think we are close than you think I live near you in my father compound. Lida was shocked and said- So you are the new neighbor that just relocated here well I hope we get to see each other quite a lot Uchiha. Izuku nod and said- Can you please inform where I could find the principal? Lida then said- Oh, you should continue to the end of the hallway you will find a big door where you will find the secretary. Izuku then bow once more and said- Thank you for your time Lida. Lida then says- No problem!

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