USJ Finale! (Chapter 15)

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We could the students on the bus heading towards the USJ (Unforeseen Simulation Joint) were they will start learning about rescue training, Izuku, Shikamaru and Itsuka were not really forced to attend the class given that they are already more experienced than everyone in the bus.

Tsu: Uchiha I always speak my mind but how are you that strong?

Izuku: Hn! Training hard unlike most of you who are taking it easy and expecting results. 

Kirishima: But still I am quite jealous man, my quirk isn't flashy as yours, Itsuka, Bakugo's, Todoroki's and Yagi. 

Izuku: Then you will never become a hotshot in the hero industry. 

Kirishima became depressed as he looked at his fist and disappointed with how weak his quirk is and everyone looked at Izuku in shock except for Itsuka, Shikamaru and Aizawa. 

Izuku: tell me Kirishima what is the difference between a top hero and and a weak hero? 

Kirishima: I don't know maybe they have flashy quirk. 

Izuku: No, they aim for higher they don't settle for anything less and they train hard look at Kendo her quirk is not really different from yours she could only enlarge her fist what's different from yours, the only difference is the mentality and right now you are comparing yourself to me and those other idiots but you are not us you are yourself it's a shame that you don't see the potential that your quirk have you could be an unbreakable shield and a bulldozer with your quirk you are a mix between offensive and defensive if trained well you could tank an explosion from the Bakugo's the one you are calling out for having a flashy quirk you could even survive falling from a building. 

Kirishima watched in shock as he realized the amount of potential that he have he wondered why he was even complaining to begin with, he then give a determined looked. 

Kirishima: Thank you Izubro, I will train hard and I will defeat you one day. 

Izuku (smirk): I like your determination but let's see if you can even surpass me. 

Aizawa smirked as he watched Izuku he already like Izuku and Kendo and Shikamaru they have been a massive positivity to the class well it's more of Izuku and Kendo. 

Aizawa (thought): He is blunt and don't have a problem to state the hard truth which is a good trait and knows how to motivate the students. 

Aizawa: Hey, Hey were here stop messing around.

Everyone: Yes sir!

Getting out of the bus they were met with the pro hero thirteen who had a smile and was waiting for us. 

13: Hello everyone, I have been waiting for you.

Everyone except Izuku and his group were in awe at the rescue hero who was known to save a lot of people around the world.

13: I can't wait to show you inside.

Everyone (except Izuku and his group): This is going to be so Awesome! 

Walking inside the USJ everyone was in awe at all the disaster ground that was created to train them in every situation.

Kirishima: Holy crap! It looks like some kind of amusement park.

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