Graduation (Chapter 9)

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It has been another five years ever since Izuku enrolled at the prestigious middle school Somei, his self confidence has increased greatly thanks to the help of Akemi Kaki the principal secretary, The councilor Mida Rana, Akari Hoshi the school nurse and finally Itsuka Kendo his now fiancé, yes that is correct at some point Itsuka father has proposed an engagement between the two teenager and it wasn't long where the news reached everyone in school making a lot of people jealous and some were stupid enough to try to break the engagement by having there parents do a quirk marriage with Kendo father like a blond kid name Neito Monoma with a superiority complexes but that didn't end well since Itsuka father was a massive hater when it comes to quirk marriage and those who tried to force him or even sue him didn't end well for them especially when Izuku was involved and he didn't have mercy.


Izuku was in the kendo house in Itsuka room they were cuddling with each other watching movies and laughing together and even sharing lip action here and there. The door rang but Izuku and Itsuka didn't care but it was opened by Itsuka father. Izuku and Itsuka were watching but they heard something that made them pause the movie due to there training there hearing got enhanced thanks to chakra, So they listened on the conversation which went as following. Itsuka father said- Hello Mr. Monoma to what do I owe the pleasure? Monoma father said- Hello Mr. Kendo we came here for a request from my son! Hearing the name Monoma made Kendo disgusted and angry that she for the 100th time destroyed the remote with her strength I am started to regret teaching her Tsunade enhance punches but I still love her so that's what matters. Itsuka father than ask- What does you son request? Monoma father bluntly said- Quirk marriage between my son and your daughter. Hearing this I was pissed but I knew that he made a big mistake when he opened his mouth about quirk marriage in front of Itsuka father so Itsuka father than said- You came here asking me for a quirk marriage knowing full well that I despised that system besides my daughter is already engaged to someone far better so what does you son will bring to her than her fiancée already is giving her. Neito who was sitting smirked and said- I will give her money, powerful children and I know I am better than that douche she is dating. Monoma father than said- Here is your answer but she will have to be monitored to make sure she is loyal! Itsuka father was enraged and said- Do you think I need money brat, Do you think that her fiancée is poor he is far more better than you could ever be he respects my daughter and doesn't treat her as a property like you are doing right now I won't accept this. Neito not liking the answer having not received a no in his life was enraged and shouted- What the hell old man, I am far more better choice than whoever you chose for her, I am sure that whoever is with her is nothing but a wimp I guess you got senile that you don't see greatness in me I can copy quirk. 

Neito was cut off from his rant to see a katana near his neck and it was Izuku and he was pissed followed by Itsuka who was standing ready to punch the day light out of him. I then say- So you came here in somebody else home threatening them because you got told "No" I guess you are a man child so do you think Itsu would need someone like you to be happy you are only good at copying quirk but without it you are no different than a quirkless person and what pissed me off the most is that you want to monitor her, this is not relationship it's slavery let me tell you about something brat relationship is about trust you don't see me putting her on a collar or asking her where she is going all the time I respect her just like she respect me, I know your type very well you don't see Itsu for who she is you see her for her family name and her body which something extremely disgusting, listen here and listen well threaten Itsu or her father in any way and I will show you your worst nightmare and nobody will be able to save you from what I will do to you. Neito was afraid and Monoma father was enraged and shouted- BRAT GET THE SWORD OF MY SON RIGHT NOW OR I WILL MAKE SURE YOU CAN'T JOIN ANY HERO SCHOOL AND SPEND IT IN JAIL! Neito gaining confidence said- I will join UA and show you who is the superior! Izuku laughs and said- Sue me? Well that's funny let me tell you something the principal of UA is my uncle so who is he gonna believe an entitled brat with superiority complexes or me, don't forget I could call him now and have you blacklisted in every hero school out there and it will only take a second not to mention all of this conversation was being recorded so I have evidence. The father and son were terrified with Neito saying- You wouldn't dare, I will do anything but don't. I then said- Then get up and leave from the door not before apologizing to Mr. Kendo and Itsuka for how rude you were in there home. Neito and Monoma stood up and got on there knees bowing- We deeply apologize for our rude behavior we won't repeat it again! They then stood up and ran out of the door. 

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