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Hello guys, I hope the series so far have been going well I have been trying to keep everything detailed and less conversation between the character if you don't like that type of writing than I am willing to change it now aside from that I have great plans for how this story is gonna progresses but I will have to make certain points.

- Izuku currently doesn't know the identity of both Toshinori and Inko and will learn it soon enough when he is reunited with them at the entrance exam with Toshinori trying to make amends by giving his quirk to Izuku as a token of apology there will be a reason also behind him choosing Izuku to inherit OFA which I won't reveal since there is no fun in revealing everything so feel free to give your own theory which I might use or not use since I already have an idea but it won't hurt. 

- Izuku will be living close to the Yaoyorozu as introduced in chapter 3 and the Lida family and finally the Kendo family which own a dojo which is flourishing thanks to Izuku father that's why when both Izuku and Kendo met and confessed there love to each other later on they got engaged and are always together.

- Izuku, Kendo along with Yaoyorozu take online classes mainly because Yaoyorozu parents are fearing for there daughter because of the male who are eyeing her because of her developed body not to mention that she was almost kidnapped and possibly raped if it weren't for Izuku passing by and saving her, Kendo on the other hand despite having extreme talent in martial arts her parents doesn't like the school system and the quirk discrimination that her daughter suffered before in Kindergarten and Middle school.  

- Izuku and Gran Torino have spend a lot of time together and has informed his uncle Aizawa about him living in the compound which he reluctantly approved of Izuku living alone because he saw the tight security who stopped him even when they knew he was a pro hero and because he know about the Yaoyorozu family and Kendo and Ida family around Izuku making him less worried about Izuku.

- I am planning to have Izuku train under Sasuke, Itachi, Shisui, Fugaku and Mikoto while he is sleeping or have him summon them in the real world to be honest I don't know about this one. 


Should Izuku have OFA?

Should Kendo learn medical jutsu and infuse her fist with Chakra or not? I am already planning on giving her an ability that suits her quirk or her personnality in general so feel free to give me suggestion.

Should Izuku teach Eraser head chakra?

Should Izuku, Kendo and Momo attend Somei with Lida or not? ( I'd rather not since All Might still is searching for Izuku).

Should Izuku summon his new Uchiha family to the real world like how summoning Jutsu work or have him train in his dreamscape every night he go to sleep? 

How do you want the training to go for the next 5-6 years and what should he start with first?

Should Izuku forgive Inko or at least give her a chance or not or maybe later in the story?

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