Training & New Family(Chapter 4)

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We could see Toshinori and Inko and Izumi preparing the tables and chairs including a big cake which was separated into two categories half chocolate and half vanilla with a strawberry in top and there was word written on it that said "Congratulation on turning 15" the reason is that today is none other than Izumi birthday which was also the day were they were given a small holiday of two weeks before they return to there school life and they were inviting there friends and family members like "underground hero: Eraser Head" " Recovery Girl" "principal Nezu" "Gran Torino" "Endeavor" "Ice Queen (Rei Todoroki)" "The Bakugo's" " The Uraraka's". Izumi was feeling odd today she didn't see Izuku today at all although she did hurt him it was all for his sake thinking that being a hero is a very hard job that is dangerous for quirkless people to meddle in but she put that thought away thinking that he overslept or was preparing a gift for her birthday party. 

The sound of the door being knocked resonated in the house which Inko went after drying her hand with a towel and opened the door the guest that arrived were everyone except Gran Torino who is probably either coming or forgot or has boarded the train late. Each of the guest sat down in a chair and were welcomed by Toshinori who seem very pleased to see everyone and he took Endeavor, Masaru, Occhaco father to have a dad talk and share some wine until they wait for the last guest. Rei, Mitsuki and Occhaco mother and recovery girl went to talk with each other while Principal Nezu and Eraser head sat far away with Nezu sipping on his tea while Eraser head was in his sleeping bag and asked to be woken up when everyone is there he was already displeased for being dragged here and wanted to sleep because his students were rather troublesome but he complied since he wanted to check on Izuku and Izumi mainly Izuku since he knew that he was quirkless and already felt bad for not being able to come see him as often as he wanted to.  

It has been an hour and finally Gran Torino has arrived but he was not in a good mood which scared All Might a little but just thought that it has to do something with being late so he ignored it and guided him to the dining table, the only people...

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It has been an hour and finally Gran Torino has arrived but he was not in a good mood which scared All Might a little but just thought that it has to do something with being late so he ignored it and guided him to the dining table, the only people who picked on Gran Torino real behavior was Principal Nezu, Aizawa and Recovery girl. Endeavor who have noticed but he never knew Gran Torino well and he was already drinking wine so he never bothered to look much into it. Gran Torino walked towards the principal and Aizawa and sat next to them glaring daggers at All Might and Inko back this didn't go unnoticed by the two he sat next to. Principal Nezu calmly asked- My old friend, it seem Toshinori has done something that we are not aware off so could you enlighten us on your problem so we could help. Gran Torino didn't give much answer but- You will know when we are talking on the dining table. Principal Nezu seem to nod at that as for Aizawa he then scanned the room and noticed the absence of Izuku this worried him but he hoped the worst doesn't happen to his nephew or he will never forgive himself.

After 10 minute everyone sat down on the dining table everyone was smiling while Gran Torino held the same glare which seem to make All Might shrink in fear but never showed it as for Aizawa the more he sat down he still noticed that Izuku wasn't there still so he asked- Inko, where is my nephew? Inko than answered- Oh! Izuku he is probably in his room. Aizawa than seem to emphasis on the word- Probably??? It seem you are unsure about what you are own son doing. Inko than said- I am sorry brother I will have Izumi call him from his room. Gran Torino glared intensifies and said- You better!! Now everyone interest were peaked especially both Principal Nezu and Endeavor who caught on the hostility that Gran Torino is giving to both All Might and Psychic they also caught on the hidden message behind Aizawa and Inko words which made them worried for there nephew safety and hoped that nothing happened to him. Izumi than left hurriedly to Izuku room unaware of the tension that emitted in the dining hall between her uncle Aizawa and Grandfather towards All Might and Psychic. She then starts by knocking on the door while saying- Izuku, Grandpa and Uncle Aizawa are looking for you. there were no answer she then knock much louder this time hoping to wake him up but to no avail she then tried to open the door which already opened in the first place and entered the room it was still clean but the scent of blood was still travelling the whole room she also noticed a envelop on the table which had the name of her parents she then took the envelop downstairs and said- Mom, dad, Izuku is not in his room I tried looking for him but I didn't find but I found this envelope on his desk and it was directed to you both. Inko than said- Ok dear, hand over the letter. All Might than says- Yes dear, we will read it later once we finish celebrating your birthday. This statement causes five people to explode in anger and that was Aizawa, Gran Torino, Recovery girl, Nezu and Endeavor.

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